Fetcham Street O

Tuesday 19th October

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This is the first in a series of eight Street O Events that MVOC are organising.

These events are a great introduction to orienteering for runners of all abilities and a good opportunity to get out and about midweek for a bit of training.

The Winter Street O Series will run between October and May at local venues within the Mole Valley area.

All events will take the form of a one hour score course. Your map will show a number of controls but you don't have to visit each one. This means that there is no set course, you just visit as many controls as you can within a 60 minute limit.

Start and Finish will be in a pub which will also offer food - a great opportunity to meet your fellow competitors afterwards and chat about the course.
Contact: clerk@mvoc.org

60 minute Score
Entry limit: 61

Entry Fees
Member of an O Club/Non-member
    Entry Fee: £3.00/£5.00
Mole Valley Member
    Entry is free
Event Information

Start, Finish and post race refreshments will be at The Bell, Bell Lane, Fetcham, Surrey, KT22 9ND.

The map will 1:10,000 scale - obtained from OpenStreetMap (see example above)

The event will be set up on MapRun but those without a smartphone can still take part.

If using MapRun, please arrive on the night with the course pre-downloaded from the folder UK > Mole Valley > Winter StreetO 21-22 Winter Series.

Those who do not want to or are unable to use MapRun can handwrite their answers with a pen or pencil and timing will be by a punching Start and Finish.

U16s must be accompanied by an adult.
Competitors are asked to wear high visibility clothing, reflective strips and/or additional lighting devices and carry a whistle for attracting attention in case of an emergency.

6.30 - 7.30 pm. Courses close at 8.40 pm sharp.

Public transport
Unfortunately there is a very poor bus service to this location - no late buses. The nearest train station is Leatherhead 2kms away.

Will be available on the MapRun app when all have finished and on the club website as soon as possible after this event.

Please make yourself aware of and follow the British Orienteering Guidance for Participants (revised 19 July 2021).

You are responsible for your own safety and you take part in this event at your own risk.