Barns Ness

Saturday 29th March

Entries are closed

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Entered: 95

A friendly, local event in East Lothian

Barns Ness is a great area for orienteering, consisting of a fairly narrow strip of coastal land about 2000m long and no wider than 400m in any place; typically it's around 200m wide. The immediate coastline in the north is mainly stony beach and rocky foreshore, with intricate sandy dunes on the east facing side. A flat coastal plain extends south. The obvious man-made features include disused limekiln buildings, the Lighthouse (completed in 1901 by cousins of Robert Louis Stevenson) and an old quarry. The western edge of the area is bordered by a steep slope, rising about 15-20m above the coastal plain.

White 1.6km
For competitive 9-10 year olds and 11-12 year old beginners. Follows paths with a control at each choice point.
Entered: 9

Yellow 2.2km
For competitive 11-12 year olds and 13-14 year old beginners.
Follows line features with controls after choice points.

Entered: 22

Orange 3.3km
For competitive 13-14 year olds and beginner adults.
Controls near paths or line features.

Entered: 12

Red 5.3km
For adults who enjoy a longer run with a little navigation. Controls near to paths or line features..
Entered: 7

Green 4.5km
For experienced orienteers.
Challenging navigation including route choice and rougher terrain away from paths.

Entered: 45

Entry Fees
  • Senior: £4.50 / £5.50 / £6.50
  • Junior: £2.50 / £3.00 / £3.50
  • Senior: £6.00 / £7.00 / £8.00
  • Junior: £3.50 / £4.00 / £4.50
Parent and Child
  • £4.50 / £5.50 / £6.50
Family Entry
  • £6.00 / £7.00 / £8.00
    We would generally encourage families to split up into pairs!
Junior second course
  • Entry Fee: £1
Fees are listed for BOF Members / SOA Members / non-members

A late entry surcharge of £1 for seniors/families and 50p for juniors will apply to all entries made after the Monday immediately before the event (when we order the maps)!

Juniors are under 21 on 31st December. If you are entering as a pair and one of the runners is a junior please use their year of birth to benefit from the reduced rate.

Join ELO to take advantage of the lower entry charges for members.
Start List
White Club Age Category
Susan Davidson
Lucy Henderson W12
Martha Long and Parent ELO W10
Lewis McArthur ELO M10
Felix Remai ELO M10
Ilia Rigg W10
Clara Tapadinhas ELO W10
Mihaela Tistu
Andrew Tomlinson ELO
Yellow Club Age Category
Magnus Bailie ELO M10
Alex Burnside M12
Sebastian Burnside M40
Gregor Butcher
Ember Chepelin INT W10
Toni Fraser INT
Sophie Henderson ELO W10
Ossian Imrie ESOC M10
Alan MacGregor ESOC M70
Eddie Mair ESOC M10
Hamish Mair ESOC M10
Jonah Martindale SOC M10
Max Morrison M10
Oscar Snowden and parent ELO M10
Mark Remai ELO M10
Duncan Rigg M12
David Roberts
Euan Robertson ELO M10
Hanne Robertson ESOC W55
Arthur Tapadinhas ELO M10
Toby Snowden and grandad ELO M10
Nevis Vidal-Sastre ELO W10
Orange Club Age Category
Abigail Best ESOC
Barbara Davison W75
Allan Henderson ELO M45
Oleksandr Letychevskyi M65
Rosemary Ling ELO W70
Jayne MacGregor ESOC W70
Isla Madhra ELO W14
Magnus Madhra ELO M12
Ian and Scott Morrison M60
Laszlo Remai ELO M40
Zsuzsa Remai ELO W40
Caitlin Robertson W21
Red Club Age Category
Victoria Bailie ELO W45
Nicola Burnside W45
Louise Clayton ESOC W40
Yvonne Huddart W45
Eileen Maxwell RR W60
Ryan Scoular ELO M50
André Tapadinhas ELO M40
Green Club Age Category
Philippa Ascough INT W45
Michael Atkinson ELO M45
Peter Atkinson ELO M14
Pat Bartlett INT M55
Susan Brown FVO W45
Inis Chepelin INT M12
Steve Clayton ESOC M60
Andrew Cunningham ELO M45
Euan Daff M20
Andrew Daley ESOC M50
Emma Daley ESOC W14
Fran Daley ESOC W50
Rebecca Daley ESOC W16
Les Dalgleish ESOC M75
Margaret Dalgleish ESOC W70
Paul Davison M75
Ben Davison-Ellis ELO M14
Chris Dibben INT M55
Ian Hartwell ELO M45
William Ivory INT M50
Fiona Johnston RR W65
Lindsey Knox RR W65
Thomas Laraia EUOC M21
Duncan Leishman ELO M55
Mike Ling ELO M70
Julia Mair ESOC W45
Tom Mallows ELO
Colin McArthur ELO M40
Kirsty McArthur ELO W40
Sam McKinnon RR M21
James Murdoch ESOC M55
Gordon Neilson ESOC M70
David Parker ESOC M55
James Purves RR M65
Judith Purves RR W50
David Robertson ESOC M60
John Robertson STAG M60
Nigel Schofield ELO M60
David Simpson ELO M45
Daniel Spencer WCOC M21
Heather Thomson FVO W50
Colin Tucker ELO M45
Steph Valentin ELO W45
Mark Wardle STAG M55
Pete Younger ELO M70