Barry Buddon FAST 10 miles & 10k 2025

Sunday 5th October

Entries close 18:59 on 4th Oct

Entries close 18:59 on 4th Oct

You can add a new entry or view (but not amend) existing entries.

Flat & Fast road races at the Barry Buddon Training Camp in Carnoustie, run completely on private & closed roads.

Start time: 11:00am

Minimum Age: 15

Flat and Fast road races ran on private, traffic free roads. The Barry Buddon FAST 10km & 10 miles on 5th October 2025. Time to update your PB?

Flat, fast, held on private roads, with a single start and finish point, the Barry Buddon FAST 10km & 10 miles are single lap courses ran completely on traffic free roads, so runners can focus on their running as well as enjoy some of the stunning coastal scenery that parts of the route provide.
Entry Fees
Early Bird Entry 10km
    Entry Fee: £21.00/£23.00
    Booking fee: 6.0%
Early Bird Entry 10 miles
    Entry Fee: £23.00/£25.00
    Booking fee: 6.0%
Race Information