Cranborne Chase Weekend - Gillingham Urban

Saturday 8th March

Entries close 23:59 on 2nd Mar

Entries close 23:59 on 2nd Mar

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 81

Wimborne Orienteers
invite you to the

Cranborne Chase Weekend event in conjunction with Southern Champs on Sunday 9th March 2025

Gillingham School. Event car parking off School Lane
What3Words: ///knots.pity.contracts
No dogs allowed (in car park or on courses)

The school is also within easy walking distance of Gillingham Station

Map 1:4,000 Courses 1- 4 urban specification A3 double-sided (flipped) map
1:3,000 Courses 5-7 urban specification A3 single-sided map
Map updated Feb 2025, printed on waterproof paper.

Terrain, Gillingham School grounds & Gillingham town – urban with playing fields & parks

Course 1 11.5km
Men's Open
Entered: 7

Course 2 9.9km
Men's Vets (M40+), Women's Open
Entered: 9

Course 3 8.7km
Men's Super Vets (M55+), Women's Vets (W40+)
Entered: 20

Course 4 7.5km
Men's Ultra Vets (M65+), Women's Super Vets (55+)
Entered: 21

Course 5 4.9km
Men's Hyper Vets (M75+), Women's Ultra Vets (W65+), Women's Hyper Vets (W75+)
Entered: 15

Course 6 4.6km
Junior Men (M16-), Junior Women (W16-)
Entered: 7

Course 7 2.9km
Young Junior Men (M12-), Young Junior Women (W12-)
Entered: 2

Juniors (under 16 on the day) can only enter Courses 6 and 7

NEW for 2025
The Course lengths show the estimated Height Adjusted Optimum Route length, subject to final Controlling

Facilities :Indoor changing area, toilets & showers, food & drinks stall (tbc)

Entries: Via RaceSignUp, closing date for entries: Sunday 2nd March 2025

Start times :1.00pm – 3:00pm (Courses close at 4:15pm)
Fees: Seniors £13 Juniors £6.50, +£2 surcharge for non BOF Members
Late entries (subject to map availability) £15 and £8.50, + £2 surcharge for non BOF Members
SIAC enabled Sport Ident electronic punching will be used.
Hire dibbers are non- SIAC. We have no SIAC's for hire.

Officials: Planners: Di & John Tilsley, WIM, Organiser: Rob Mills WIM,
Controller: Ian Moran, SOC

High-viz clothing strongly recommended
Further details on
You are reminded that you take part at your own risk. If the event is cancelled, the organisers reserve the right to retain all or part of the entry fee.

Entry Fees
From 7th February:
        Senior: £13.00
        Non-member Supplement: £2.00
        Senior Chip hire: £2.00
        Junior/Student: £6.50
        Non-member Supplement: £2.00
        Junior/Student Chip hire: £1.00
From 3rd March:
        Senior: £15.00
        Senior Chip hire: £2.00
        Junior/Student: £8.50
        Junior/Student Chip hire: £1.00

Juniors are under 21 on 31st December.

Seniors £13 Juniors £6.50, +£2 surcharge for non BOF Members
Late entries (subject to map availability) £15 and £8.50, +£2 surcharge for non BOF Members
SIAC enabled Sport Ident electronic punching will be used.
Start List
Course 1 Club Age Category Start Pref Class
Oliver Heckford WSX M18 Middle Men's Open (M18-35)
Jack Knight KERNO M20 Middle Men's Open (M18-35)
Tom Knight KERNO M18 Middle Men's Open (M18-35)
Rory Nesbit HH M18 Late Men's Open (M18-35)
Richard Price HOC M21 Early Men's Open (M18-35)
Oliver Rant QO M21 Middle Men's Open (M18-35)
Michael Tsang SLOW M21 Middle Men's Open (M18-35)
Course 2 Club Age Category Start Pref Class
Keith Bennett DFOK M50 Middle Men's Vets (M40+)
Hannah Dabinett PFO W35 VeryEarly Women’s Open (W18 – 35)
Simon Evans SAX M45 Early Men's Vets (M40+)
Maciej Jablonski WAOC M45 Middle Men's Vets (M40+)
Ross Maclagan SN M50 VeryEarly Men's Vets (M40+)
Jolyon Medlock WSX M50 Middle Men's Vets (M40+)
Lyra Medlock WSX W18 Middle Women’s Open (W18 – 35)
Douglas Nesbit HH M50 Late Men's Vets (M40+)
Martin Ward SYO M55 VeryLate Men's Vets (M40+)
Course 3 Club Age Category Start Pref Class
Gerry Allan BAOC M55 Early Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Hanna Biernacka WAOC W45 Middle Women’s Vets (W40+)
Vesela Chokoeva SLOW W50 Late Women’s Vets (W40+)
Sarah Covey-Crump SAX W45 Early Women’s Vets (W40+)
Neil Crickmore SO M60 Early Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Quentin Harding CLARO M60 Early Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
David Hodson HH M60 Early Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Janusz Holender TVOC M65 VeryEarly Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Lap On Leung HOC M55 Early Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
John Marsh SO M55 Middle Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Peter Martin MV M60 Middle Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Vicky McCreadie WIM W40 Early Women’s Vets (W40+)
Sian Mitchell HH W45 Late Women’s Vets (W40+)
Hannah Nesbit HH W50 Late Women’s Vets (W40+)
Amanda Peroni W55 VeryEarly Women’s Vets (W40+)
Clive Richardson WRE M55 Early Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Roger Thetford TVOC M60 Late Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Paul Thwaites SOC M60 Middle Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Andy Ward SO M60 Early Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Dil Wetherill WAOC M60 Late Men’s Super Vets (M55+)
Course 4 Club Age Category Start Pref Class
Gavin Clegg WSX M70 Early Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Susan Crickmore SO W60 Early Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Nick Dennis BOK M65 VeryEarly Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Rachel Dennis BOK W55 VeryEarly Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Ian Ditchfield MV M65 Middle Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Cat Edwardes DEVON W55 Middle Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Helen Hodge WIM W60 Middle Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Viv Hodson HH W60 Early Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Alun Jones TVOC M70 Early Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Ruth Ker CLARO W55 Early Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Jane Lambert SO W65 VeryEarly Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Sesu Mpala BAOC W35 Early Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Katherine Pike WIM W60 Middle Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Carol Prosser BAOC W60 VeryEarly Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Ian Prosser BAOC M65 VeryEarly Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Alan Rosen HH M70 Middle Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Mick Smith HH M75 Middle Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Lesley Ward SYO W55 VeryLate Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Jon Wheatcroft TVOC M70 VeryEarly Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Toni Whittle BKO W55 Middle Women’s Super Vets (W55+)
Nikolay Yanev SLOW M50 Late Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Course 5 Club Age Category Start Pref Class
Jasmine Bennett SO W70 Late Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+) Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)
Luke Bennett DFOK M18 Middle Men’s Hyper Vets (M75+)
Jill Blount SO W65 Early Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+) Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)
Lynn Branford WIM W75 Any Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+) Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)
Michael Hampton OD M75 Early Men’s Hyper Vets (M75+)
Sue Hands WIM W75 Early Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+) Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)
Denise Harper BKO W75 VeryEarly Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+) Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)
Tony Hext QO M75 VeryEarly Men’s Hyper Vets (M75+)
Roger Maher SO M85 Late Men’s Hyper Vets (M75+)
David Mullins SARUM M75 VeryEarly Men’s Hyper Vets (M75+)
Denise Mullins SARUM W70 VeryEarly Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+) Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)
Janice Nisbet ESOC W70 Early Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+) Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)
Ruth Rhodes SO W80 Middle Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+) Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)
Janet Rosen HH W70 Middle Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+) Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)
Brian Yates ESOC M80 Early Men’s Hyper Vets (M75+)
Course 6 Club Age Category Start Pref Class
Erik Biernacki-Jablonski WAOC M14 Middle Junior Men (M16-)
Alice Evans SAX W14 Early Junior Women (W16-)
Emma Heckford WSX W16 Middle Junior Women (W16-)
Ceci Knight KERNO W14 Middle Junior Women (W16-)
Russell McCreadie WIM M16 Early Junior Men (M16-)
Niamh Mitchell HH W14 Late Junior Women (W16-)
Anna Maria Yaneva SLOW W14 Late Junior Women (W16-)
Course 7 Club Age Category Start Pref Class
Harriet Evans SAX W12 Early Young Junior Women (W12-)
Krum Yanev SLOW M12 Late Young Junior Men (M12-)