ESOC: Race Across Edinburgh

Saturday 21st June

Entries close 23:59 on 21st May

Entries close 23:59 on 21st May

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 41 of 100

A unique event, based on the TV series Race Across the World, one of a series of activities to celebrate ESOC's 60th Anniversary in 2025

Enter the event as a team of two seniors (16 and over) in 3 different categories, (courses) or as a "family" ie one or two seniors and up to four juniors.

Cost £30 per team

Any team member has lived in Edinburgh, as an adult, for > 3yrs.
Entered: 15

Neither team members have lived in Edinburgh, as an adult for, >3yrs.
Entered: 12

1 or 2 seniors plus up to 4 Juniors under 16yrs old.
Entered: 14

Event Information

More details are on the event webpage. Please read these before you enter and again before the day to check for updates, especially on the Friday evening in case the weather has affected the event.

When entering our events your name may appear in the results section of the ESOC website or in newspaper reports. Read our data privacy policy on the event webpage to see how we look after your personal data.

Start List
Local Club Team Name
Martin Caldwell ESOC Cal Mac
Hayley Care SayHam
Sorrel Cosens ERN Wombles
Robert Findlay ESOC Chemies
Alexis Gow ESOC And the Gows Get The Gold
Emma Lougheed Double Trouble
Alex Lumsden Lost Causes
Murdo Macleod ERN your Dram
Clare Martin FVO Coffee Stops
Michael McPhillips ESOC No he's David
Miguel Mudarra ERN your beer
Rachel Rose ESOC Bunch of Roses
Heidi Ross ESOC Two Blondes
Ian Smith ESOC Alas Smith And Smith
Gary Tompsett STAG Team Rusty
Visitor Club Team Name
Alex Ang ESOC UOE Singapore
Iain Cattermole STAG Freen
Stevie Ewens STAG Nova Scotians
Taylor Halik ESOC Burned By The Bus
Alison Harding ESOC Blinkbonny Buccaneers
Kay Hawke PFO Wright Direction
Peter Maitland STAG Yeet
John McKendrick STAG Not Past It, Never Had It
Heather McPherson The Dixie Cats
Tia McPherson is the hardest part
Hamish Meikle ESOC 2 guys with a map and a dream
Family Club Team Name
Ben Aldridge Dunosdale
Emma Anderson ESOC NESW (Nifty Emma & Swift William)
Kate Comisso INVOC Compass Coven
Andrew Daley ESOC Team Daley
Katherine Garden Thomas Trotters
Craig Heaslip CorkEdinVille
Rachael Imrie ESOC The Invincible Imries
Catherine MacColl ESOC Not Small MacColls
Julia Mair ESOC The Mairauders
Iain Moir Moir family
Sarah Ramsay Team Viewfield
Kate Robertson MAROC The Roaming Robertsons
Matt Tinsley ESOC Polar Bear-ings
Elizabeth Vernon ESOC Vernons