This site is just for Infantry units to commit to attending the Infantry Orienteering Championships 2025.
There is a seperate site for entering individual runners and it can be accessed via this link: Infantry O Champs 25 - Runner Entry
Event Format
The Infantry Orienteering Championships 25 will consist of teams of 4 runners.
Units wanting to enter more than one 4 person team can enter them as Unit A, Unit B etc
The event will be in four phases:
1. Optional Pre-Event training. This will consist of a map walk familiarisation activity delivered by Army Orienteering Coaches.
2. Spanish Score race. All runners must visit every control point. 10 mins penalty will be added to runners time for each one missed.
3. Harris Team race. Teams of four, starting at the same time. Control points can be visited in any order, some must be visited by every team member and some by only one. 10 mins penalty will be added to team time for each one missed. Team time is slowest runner multiplied by 4.
4. Prize Giving. Unit times are 4 Spanish score times and Harris team times added together, or teams of four multiplied by 115%.
Units must plan to stay for this phase.
Travel Directions
The event admin location will be signed from the main road.
Closest postcode DL11 6AA.
What3words: exacts.waged.hovered.
OSGR: NZ 12130 00069