Jaws of Borrowdale Orienteering

Thursday 3rd April

Entries close 23:59 on 1st Apr

Entries close 23:59 on 1st Apr

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 5 of 180

Welcome to the Spring Series of orienteering - 10 quality local events. To get your Golden Ticket and enter all 10 races at a reduced price buy a golden ticket
To become a WCOC member and get the lower priced entry fee (amongst other benefits) please join British Orienteering and choose WCOC as your club
Become a club member

Please come and register before your run, and don't forget to download when you have finished.
Contact: jamie.rennie@btinternet.com

Entered: 3

Entered: 2


Entry Fees
Senior: £5.00/£6.00
Junior: £2.00

Juniors are under 21 on 31st December.

Event Information
Start List
Long Age Category Club Start time
Andrew Bradley M60 WCOC
George Rennie M18 WCOC
Scott White M50 WCOC
Short Age Category Club Start time
Elizabeth Elliott W75 WCOC
Pete Nelson M70 WCOC