John Muir Country Park

Saturday 22nd February

Entries close 19:59 on 21st Feb

Entries close 19:59 on 21st Feb

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 76

A friendly, local event in East Lothian

John Muir Country Park is still recovering from Storm Arwen but now that the fallen trees have been cleared, the woodland is starting to recover.

We will also be venturing into the dunes on either side of the protected tidal marsh. These dunes are covered by spiky marram grass with a good path network on the inland side and a visit to coastal Spike Island providing a navigational challenge for the more technical courses.

White 2.0km
Entered: 10

Yellow 2.4km
For competitive 11-12 year olds and 13-14 year old beginners.
Follows line features with controls after choice points.

Entered: 6

Orange 2.8km
For competitive 13-14 year olds and beginner adults.
Controls near paths or line features.

Entered: 17

Red 5.5km
For adults who enjoy a longer run with a little navigation.
Controls near to paths or line features.

Entered: 11

Green 4.4km
For experienced orienteers.
Challenging navigation including route choice and rougher terrain away from paths.

Entered: 32

Entry Fees
  • Senior: £4.50 / £5.50 / £6.50
  • Junior: £2.50 / £3.00 / £3.50
  • Senior: £6.00 / £7.00 / £8.00
  • Junior: £3.50 / £4.00 / £4.50
Parent and Child
  • £4.50 / £5.50 / £6.50
Family Entry
  • £6.00 / £7.00 / £8.00
    We would generally encourage families to split up into pairs!
Junior second course
  • Entry Fee: £1
Fees are listed for BOF Members / SOA Members / non-members

A late entry surcharge of £1 for seniors/families and 50p for juniors will apply to all entries made after the Monday immediately before the event (when we order the maps)!

Juniors are under 21 on 31st December. If you are entering as a pair and one of the runners is a junior please use their year of birth to benefit from the reduced rate.

Join ELO to take advantage of the lower entry charges for members.
Start List
White Club Age Category
Lucy Cumming
Ruaridh Cumming
Yvonne Huddart
Ada Mackenzie W10
Joel Mackenzie M10
Imogen Madhra ELO W10
Magnus Madhra ELO M12
Emma Martindale W40
Team Simpson ELO
Clara Tapadinhas ELO W10
Yellow Club Age Category
Ember Chepelin INT W10
Lewis McArthur ELO M10
Lyndsay McDonald W45
Jessica Naylor ELO W10
Arthur Tapadinhas ELO M10
Sean Tucker ELO M16
Orange Club Age Category
Matthew Bell
Inis Chepelin INT M12
Louise Clayton ESOC W40
Toby Cumming M14
Ben Davison-Ellis ELO M14
Bill Durie M50
Daniel Durie M16
Lana Easton-Steel ESOC W35
Fiona Findlay ESOC W75
Ian Hartwell ELO M45
Sophie Henderson ELO W10
Fran Humphrey ESOC W75
Angus Kennedy M50
Martha Long ELO M10
Eddie Mair M10
Jack Parsons M10
Greg Richardson M35
Red Club Age Category
Euan Daff M20
Paul Davison M75
Saartje Drijver ELO W55
Kenny Gunn-Russell ESOC M70
Chris Gunstone ELO M65
Allan Henderson ELO M45
Jeff Hodgson ELO M65
Colin Inverarity INT M70
Julia Mair W45
David Simpson ELO M45
André Tapadinhas ELO M40
Green Club Age Category
Emma Anderson ESOC W55
Joel Atkinson EUOC M20
Michael Atkinson ELO M45
William Atkinson ESOC M14
Godfrey Beddard ELO M75
Evgueni Chepelin ELO M60
Les Dalgleish ESOC M75
Margaret Dalgleish ESOC W70
Robert Findlay ESOC M75
Charles Gunn-Russell ESOC M21
Andrew Jackson RR M55
Fiona Johnston RR W65
Ross Lyall ELO M21
Christine Mahony ESOC W65
Malcolm Mahony ESOC M75
Colin McArthur ELO M40
Kirsty McArthur ELO W40
Neil McMillan ELO M40
Donald Naylor ELO M50
Gordon Neilson ESOC M70
David Parker ESOC M55
James Purves RR M65
David Robertson ESOC M60
Hanne Robertson ESOC W55
Finlay Ross ESOC M55
Ian Rowland ELO M60
Nigel Schofield ELO M60
David Simpson ELO M45
Colin Tucker ELO M45
Steph Valentin ELO W45
Jamie Wilson ELO M65
Pete Younger ELO M70