White 2.0km
Entered: 10
Yellow 2.4km
For competitive 11-12 year olds and 13-14 year old beginners.
Follows line features with controls after choice points.
Entered: 6
Orange 2.8km
For competitive 13-14 year olds and beginner adults.
Controls near paths or line features.
Entered: 17
Red 5.5km
For adults who enjoy a longer run with a little navigation.
Controls near to paths or line features.
Entered: 11
Green 4.4km
For experienced orienteers.
Challenging navigation including route choice and rougher terrain away from paths.
Entered: 32
White | Club | Age Category |
Lucy Cumming | ||
Ruaridh Cumming | ||
Yvonne Huddart | ||
Ada Mackenzie | W10 | |
Joel Mackenzie | M10 | |
Imogen Madhra | ELO | W10 |
Magnus Madhra | ELO | M12 |
Emma Martindale | W40 | |
Team Simpson | ELO | |
Clara Tapadinhas | ELO | W10 |
Yellow | Club | Age Category |
Ember Chepelin | INT | W10 |
Lewis McArthur | ELO | M10 |
Lyndsay McDonald | W45 | |
Jessica Naylor | ELO | W10 |
Arthur Tapadinhas | ELO | M10 |
Sean Tucker | ELO | M16 |
Orange | Club | Age Category |
Matthew Bell | ||
Inis Chepelin | INT | M12 |
Louise Clayton | ESOC | W40 |
Toby Cumming | M14 | |
Ben Davison-Ellis | ELO | M14 |
Bill Durie | M50 | |
Daniel Durie | M16 | |
Lana Easton-Steel | ESOC | W35 |
Fiona Findlay | ESOC | W75 |
Ian Hartwell | ELO | M45 |
Sophie Henderson | ELO | W10 |
Fran Humphrey | ESOC | W75 |
Angus Kennedy | M50 | |
Martha Long | ELO | M10 |
Eddie Mair | M10 | |
Jack Parsons | M10 | |
Greg Richardson | M35 | |
Red | Club | Age Category |
Euan Daff | M20 | |
Paul Davison | M75 | |
Saartje Drijver | ELO | W55 |
Kenny Gunn-Russell | ESOC | M70 |
Chris Gunstone | ELO | M65 |
Allan Henderson | ELO | M45 |
Jeff Hodgson | ELO | M65 |
Colin Inverarity | INT | M70 |
Julia Mair | W45 | |
David Simpson | ELO | M45 |
André Tapadinhas | ELO | M40 |
Green | Club | Age Category |
Emma Anderson | ESOC | W55 |
Joel Atkinson | EUOC | M20 |
Michael Atkinson | ELO | M45 |
William Atkinson | ESOC | M14 |
Godfrey Beddard | ELO | M75 |
Evgueni Chepelin | ELO | M60 |
Les Dalgleish | ESOC | M75 |
Margaret Dalgleish | ESOC | W70 |
Robert Findlay | ESOC | M75 |
Charles Gunn-Russell | ESOC | M21 |
Andrew Jackson | RR | M55 |
Fiona Johnston | RR | W65 |
Ross Lyall | ELO | M21 |
Christine Mahony | ESOC | W65 |
Malcolm Mahony | ESOC | M75 |
Colin McArthur | ELO | M40 |
Kirsty McArthur | ELO | W40 |
Neil McMillan | ELO | M40 |
Donald Naylor | ELO | M50 |
Gordon Neilson | ESOC | M70 |
David Parker | ESOC | M55 |
James Purves | RR | M65 |
David Robertson | ESOC | M60 |
Hanne Robertson | ESOC | W55 |
Finlay Ross | ESOC | M55 |
Ian Rowland | ELO | M60 |
Nigel Schofield | ELO | M60 |
David Simpson | ELO | M45 |
Colin Tucker | ELO | M45 |
Steph Valentin | ELO | W45 |
Jamie Wilson | ELO | M65 |
Pete Younger | ELO | M70 |