Lordshill 10K 2025

Sunday 6th July

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 351 of 1000

Car Sharing available

Come and join us in early July when the days are long, for our friendly and fast 10K road race!

The Lordshill 10K 2025 is a fast and flat out-and-back course that waits for you to show off your running legs. Ten weeks after London and three months before the autumn marathon season, it is perfectly timed to add a speed challenge to your race calendar. And if you are new to running, the super friendly atmosphere of the race and the reassuring route along quiet countryside lanes provide the perfect venue for a 10k challenge.

Lordshill Road Runners and our race sponsors are looking forward to making it a day to remember.
The Lordshill 10K 2025 is the last race in the Hampshire Road Race League season!
Contact: lrr_race_sec@outlook.com
Entry Fees
From 13th January:
    Early bird
        Entry Fee: £16.00/£18.00
From 14th February:
        Entry Fee: £20.00/£22.00
From 5th July:
    Late and Entries On the Day
        Entry Fee: £25.00/£27.00
Sign up early to receive the early-bird discount.

Prices are for affiliated and unaffiliated with England Athletics, respectively.
Race Information

Start Time
The race will start at 9:00 am.

Age Requirement
In accordance with UKA Rules you must be aged 15 or over on the day of the race.

HQ & facilities
Oasis Academy Lord's Hill, Romsey Road, Lord’s Hill, Southampton SO16 8FA. (There is NO parking at this location and all cars arriving here will be turned away.)

You will find here
- Race number collection
- Bag drop
- Toilets
- Refreshments
- Start and finish line
- Memento and banana collection
- Free post-race sports massage sponsored by The Recovery Room

There will also be a lead bike and a tail walker.

Race numbers will be available for collection on the day of the race from 8:00am.

Do not fold your bib - the timing chip is attached on the rear.

Important: You must fill out the medical information and emergency contact details on the back of your bib.

There will be water stations en route and at the finish line.

Free parking is available at the nearby Ordnance Survey HQ (SO16 0AS). To help the environment, when possible please car share, cycle or use public transport.

Race Photos
High quality race photos will be available to buy, for a small donation to Lordshill Road Runners` chosen charity.

Transferring your place to someone else
How to transfer your entry to someone else:

  1. Login to Racesignup
  2. Against your entry tap Transfer
  3. Provide the email address of the person who is taking your place
  4. They will get an email with instructions on how to take up their place. You will get a copy of that email.
Please note that you are responsible for any transaction between you and the person taking your place.

Taking up a transferred place
If you have been given a transfer code:

  1. Login above by clicking on Enter Now or Manage Entry
  2. If you are new to Racesignup, create your account.
  3. Tap on the "I have a Transfer Code" button and enter the code
  4. To complete the transfer please scroll down to the Sign Up panel, tap on the green button with your name on and complete and save the entry form.
You must complete and save the entry form to enter the event. You will receive an email confirming your entry and your name will appear on the Start List at the bottom of this page.

The Route
The route is a flat out and back, starting and finishing at the Oasis Academy. Please see the maps below for how to get to us and the race route.

Terms and Conditions
By entering the race you accept these terms and conditions. If you complete the race entry on behalf of another, you accept these terms and conditions on their behalf:
Terms and Conditions

Lordshill 10k race website
Start List
UKA Club
Peter Abrahams Fareham Running Club
Emin Akbay Eastleigh RC
Christopher Allen Farnham Runners
Alison Anderson
Tim Anderson Winchester Running Club
Mick Anglim Hardley Runners
Amber Ankinson Victory AC
John Arbury Alton Runners
Jim Armitage Alton Runners
Steve Armstrong Liss Runners
Pete Arnold Portsmouth Joggers
Emma Austen City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Liz Avery Liss Runners
Emma Baker Hedge End Running Club
Sara Bamberger Stubbington Green Runners
Stuart Bamberger Stubbington Green Runners
Dawn Banting Denmead Striders
Melissa Barham Stubbington Green Runners
Emma Barnes Fareham Running Club
Sarah Barron Stubbington Green Runners
Libby Beevers
Jason Bennett City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Richard Bingham Hardley Runners
Deborah Birch Gosport Road Runners
Brooke Bishop Fareham Running Club
Tanya Bishop Isle Of Wight RR AC
RIchard Bisson Eastleigh RC
Sophie Black Winchester Running Club
Matthew Bland
Freddie Bosworth City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Matt Bosworth City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Millie Bradbury
Tim Bramly Portsmouth Joggers
Calum Bressington Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Tony Britten Winchester Running Club
Joseph Brooks Fareham Running Club
Mark Brooks Fareham Running Club
Sam Brooks Fareham Running Club
Jennifer Brown Gosport Road Runners
Kerry Brown Fareham Running Club
Victoria Brown
Alice Burch Southampton Athletic Club
Darren Burgess Alton Runners
Kevin Busch Gosport Road Runners
Sarah Butler Hedge End Running Club
Ashleigh Cairns
Steve Calder Gosport Road Runners
Emma Callaway
Edward Cane City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Beth Carter Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Deborah Casper Fareham Running Club
Donna Chambers Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Derek Chandler Victory AC
Thomas Charnock
Kat Chivers Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Tim Chown
Ivan Chunnett Farnham Runners
Vicky Clark City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Anne-Marie Clarke Farnham Town Running Club
Charley Clarke
Richard Clarke Portsmouth Joggers
Stuart Clarke
Sue Clarke Portsmouth Joggers
Katie Clements City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Sophie Clements Netley Abbey Runners
Lilli Clements-Champion City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Sophie Coady Totton RC
Peter Cole Stubbington Green Runners
Anjella Coote Portsmouth Joggers
Alan Cowan Hedge End Running Club
Ros Cowdry Gosport Road Runners
Richard Crawford Southampton Athletic Club
Adam Crook Gosport Road Runners
Vicki Crossley Eastleigh RC
Brandon Cuell Fareham Running Club
Pete Curtis Winchester Running Club
Elizabeth Darling
Fiona Davey
Tanya Davis Totton RC
Dave Delicate Fareham Running Club
Lisa Delicate Fareham Running Club
Michael Deller Denmead Striders
Sarah Deller Fareham Running Club
Richard Diggle Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Julie Dinwoodie Stubbington Green Runners
Helen Doyle Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Steven Drake Fareham Running Club
Rachel Dryden Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Steve Drysdale Alton Runners
Saul Duck Winchester Running Club
John Duffy City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Claire Dyson Stubbington Green Runners
Nicci Evans City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Alice Fenlon Hedge End Running Club
Martin Fletcher
Charles Fox New Forest Runners
Marion Frewin New Forest Runners
David Gervais City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Louise Gillam Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Graham Gillham Ryde Harriers
Sarah Ging
Gen Glancy
Neil Glasspool Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Gill Goodwin Winchester Running Club
Steve Goodwin Winchester Running Club
Mike Gordon Totton RC
Sarah Gordon Totton RC
Laura Goss Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Matthew Goss Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Claire Grace Ryde Harriers
Nikki Graham Vegan Runners UK
Andrew Green Totton RC
Mel Green Totton RC
John Greenhalgh Alton Runners
Ryan Gresty Winchester Running Club
Marc Grover
Carl Hall Hardley Runners
Katie Hall Portsmouth Joggers
Sarah Hall Hardley Runners
Mark Hargreaves City of Portsmouth AC
Christopher Harney
Natalie Harrison
Sarah Harvey
Laura Harvie Totton RC
Neil Hawkey Denmead Striders
Jacqueline Healy Stubbington Green Runners
Imogene Hedges Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Louise Henning Totton RC
Penny Herridge
Sandra Hickey Farnham Runners
Mark Hill
Oliver Hill Portsmouth Joggers
Gemma Hillier
Louise Hillier-Wheal Solent Running Sisters
Hilary Hinks Hardley Runners
Gabriela Hitchcock Farnham Runners
Stuart Hoare Denmead Striders
Jane Hodge Hardley Runners
Chris Holliday Fareham Running Club
Melvyn Holloway City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Abbie Hook Alton Runners
David Hooper Hedge End Running Club
Sarah Horsfall
Katie Horton Eastleigh RC
Nicole Houghton
Peter Hudson Isle Of Wight RR AC
Simon Ibbotson Hardley Runners
Anthony Ironmonger
March Irving Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Roger Irwin Fareham Running Club
Alice Jackman
Aaron Jackson Fareham Running Club
Mark Jefferies Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Paul Jeffrey Portsmouth Joggers
Pauline Jeffrey Portsmouth Joggers
Janine Jenkins Stubbington Green Runners
Samantha Jennings
Matt Jinman Fareham Running Club
Gareth John OS Runners
Peter Jolliffe Ryde Harriers
Mark Jolly
Steph Jolly
Tony Jones Farnham Runners
Samara Kelleher-Jacobs Alton Runners
Pauline Kelsey
Anthony Kendrick Totton RC
Lisa Kernot Portsmouth Joggers
Alison Kersley
Bridget Keyte Isle Of Wight RR AC
James Kidwell Alton Runners
Darren King Portsmouth Joggers
Cathy Kinnear Winchester Running Club
Halszka Konieczek Overton Harriers & AC
Monika Kotwica Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Vinh-Dieu Lam Portsmouth Joggers
Sarah-jayne Law Fareham Running Club
Laura Lea Hamwic Harriers Running Club
James Lee Fareham Running Club
Nigel Lee Hedge End Running Club
Tony Lees Totton RC
Brian Leigh Totton RC
Zak Leigh
Tony Liddell Denmead Striders
Claire Lockyer Netley Abbey Runners
Carly Lucas Totton RC
Gail Lydford New Forest Runners
David L’Enfant
Helen L’Enfant Eastleigh RC
Robbie MacNab Hedge End Running Club
Gemma Maddocks Ryde Harriers
Darren Mansfield Alton Runners
Donna Mansfield Alton Runners
Emma Marks Fareham Running Club
Jo Marks City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Gary Marshall Ryde Harriers
Colin Martin City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Mark Mathias Fordy Runs Running Club
Steven Matty Stubbington Green Runners
Dave Maule Eastleigh RC
Jackie May Ryde Harriers
Trevor McAlister Ryde Harriers
Robson McClure
John Mcelroy Basingstoke & Mid Hants AC
Andrew McMillan Vegan Runners UK
Lindsay Mead
Andrew Meredith Denmead Striders
Charlotte Mew
Spencer Meyer Eastleigh RC
Will Millar Chandler's Ford Swifts Running Club
Jessica Miller Fareham Running Club
Maria Millican Stubbington Green Runners
John Mills Winchester Running Club
Mike Mills Totton RC
Tina Mills Totton RC
Kelly Milner Hedge End Running Club
Becky Mitchell Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Rob Moore Denmead Striders
Samantha Morris Denmead Striders
Karwan Moutasim Hardley Runners
Rachel Muckelt Denmead Striders
Paul Muir Totton RC
Josh Murray Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Andy Newcombe Denmead Striders
Mike Newnham Gosport Road Runners
Jackie Nicholson Portsmouth Joggers
Pauline Nicholson Hedge End Running Club
Robert Noble
Paul Northover Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Ken Oatley Ryde Harriers
Ian Ordish Hardley Runners
Katherine Owen Stubbington Green Runners
Philip Owen Stubbington Green Runners
James Page Fareham Running Club
Sharon Palmer Totton RC
Daniel Parker-Hales Hardley Runners
Jenny Parks Denmead Striders
Andy Paton Liss Runners
Jenny Patrick
Emma Pearson Aldershot Farnham & District
Ray Peckham Fareham Running Club
Chris Penfold Denmead Striders
Ric Pike Winchester Running Club
Dean Pollard Fareham Running Club
Dylan Poulton Alton Runners
Rob Price
Phillip Prophett Fareham Running Club
Caroline Quincey Hedge End Running Club
Michael Rae Portsmouth Joggers
Dean Rawlins Winchester Running Club
Kerry Rayner
Natalie Reid
Peter Reilly New Forest Runners
Carole Richardson
Ellen Ridler Overton Harriers & AC
Claire Ridley City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Julie Roberts
Kay Rogers
Grace Rose Fareham Running Club
Lorena Ross Eastleigh RC
James Saddler Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Matt Sargent Denmead Striders
Penny Schnabel Farnham Runners
Rebecca Scott Gosport Road Runners
Michael Selby Eastleigh RC
Michael Sennett Portsmouth Joggers
Stephen Seymour Fareham Running Club
Garry Sharp Isle Of Wight RR AC
Sarah Sharp Isle Of Wight RR AC
Colin Sharpe Fareham Running Club
Melanie Sharpe Fareham Running Club
Emma Shaw
Mario Sheath New Forest Runners
Mat Sibley Denmead Striders
Sue Simmonds
Nikki Simmons
Maxine Slade New Forest Runners
Martin Slater Eastleigh RC
Lisa Small Hedge End Running Club
Mark Smallwood Hedge End Running Club
Julian Smith New Forest Runners
Mike Smith Hardley Runners
Toni Southwell Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Kelly Spiller
Patricia Spodzieja Totton RC
Daniel Spooner Eastleigh RC
Gary Stafford
Reece Stafford
Oliver Stanford
Lee Start Totton RC
Daniel Stephens
Benjamin Stewart
Sharon Stewart
Jeffrey Streeter Denmead Striders
Claire Stride
Hannah Stride New Forest Runners
Katie Stride New Forest Runners
Clara Sutton Fareham Running Club
Ben Sykes Liss Runners
Simon Tack Liss Runners
Chris Tait
Matt Tanner Hardley Runners
Poppy Tanner Hardley Runners
Alice Tansley Aldershot Farnham & District
Bradley Tansley
Donna Tatem
Lewis Tatt Portsmouth Joggers
Danny Taylor Alton Runners
Jon Taylor
Linda Taylor Denmead Striders
Martyn Taylor Fareham Running Club
Nicki Taylor Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Nicola Taylor Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Gillian Thomas Gosport Road Runners
Nicola Thomas Denmead Striders
Paul Thorpe Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Jackie Titcombe Netley Abbey Runners
Brenda Topliss Romsey Road Runners
Vicki Tracey
Rachel Tuffin Romsey Road Runners
Patrick Tuite Alton Runners
Alan Tulip Winchester Running Club
Lesley Turner Solent Running Sisters
Elliot Tyler Ryde Harriers
Linda Tyler Farnham Runners
Ann-Marie Vanderplank Totton RC
David Walker Winchester Running Club
John Wallace Eastleigh RC
Candy Waller Farnham Runners
Rachel Walsh Alton Runners
Michelle Walter New Forest Runners
Candus Ward City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Chloe Ward
Lynn Washbrook Runna
Lee Weatherley
Richard Webley Alton Runners
Marielle Wertheimer-Price
Mark Wheeler
Elizabeth White Totton RC
Jamie louise White Ryde Harriers
Kat White Totton RC
Alexander Whiting Winchester Running Club
Caroline Whiting Denmead Striders
Mark Wilde City Of Salisbury AC & RC
Esma Williams Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Michelle Williams Eastleigh RC
Peter Wilson New Forest Runners
Rob Wilson Denmead Striders
Sara Withers Itchen Spitfires Running Club
Karen Woodman Hamwic Harriers Running Club
Steven Wooldridge Portsmouth Joggers
Joanna Yorke Gosport Road Runners