Entered: 10
45 minutes to find as many controls as you need to meet the Planner's challenge.
Don't be late back or you may turn into a pumpkin!
Individual or team entries
Individuals or teams can enter. A team has up to 4 people (maximum two M/W18+ in each team).
Teams to be confirmed/adjusted on the day (each team member is a separate entry to the event).
Start times
This event is a Mass Start at 11am.
If you cannot arrive in time for the Mass Start you can grab one of the late start time slots for late starters. There will be a final Mass Start at 11:30
This event has a score format
This event requires you to visit as many controls as you can (in any order) within 45 minutes in order to solve some pantomime questions. You do not need to know the pantomime plots but knowing the names of the characters is pretty important. The team needs to find 3 characters for each pantomime.
Every team member gets a map and teams can stay together or split up in order to get more control visits in the allotted 45 minutes.
Teams: When you start and have your maps, you may want to discuss team strategy before setting off (separately or together).
When you have either completed the challenge, or run out of time, proceed to the Finish as a team, and write down your finish time (of your last finisher) from the event clock. You then collect an answer sheet, write in the numbers against each Pantomime, and hand in the sheet for it to be scored.
You will score 1 point for each correct character placement (maximum of 3 per Panto). You will have a point deducted for each minute or part minute over 45 minutes.
No dibber but watch and pen/paper very useful!
No dibbers are required for this event, but you will want to have a watch and pen & paper (for each team member). The pen/paper is to write down answers as you go; the watch to help you get back in time.
Pant-O! | Age Category | Start time | Club | Team |
Claire Cooke-Jones | W21 | 11:00 Mass Start | IND | Robert Cook-Jones |
Robert Cooke-Jones | M21 | 11:00 Mass Start | IND | Claire Cooke-Jones |
Peter Impey | M70 | 11:00 Mass Start | ||
Andy Jones | M65 | 11:00 Mass Start | SLOW | Karen Jones |
Karen Jones | W60 | 11:00 Mass Start | SLOW | Andy Jones |
Olga Korbolewska | W40 | 11:00 Mass Start | IND | The VK's |
Laura Krajewska | W10 | 11:00 Mass Start | SN | The VK's |
Olivia Krajewska | W10 | 11:00 Mass Start | SN | The VK's |
Michael Krajewski | M40 | 11:00 Mass Start | SN | The VK's |
Jeremy Wilde | M70 | 11:00 Mass Start | GO |