Distances and climb are not yet known, so the values given below are just an indication for now. Actual values will be updated when course planning is completed.
Brown 8.3km
Blue 6.3km
Green 4.4km
Short Green 3.4km
Light Green 3.4km
Orange 2.6km
Yellow 1.9km
White 1.6km
The event centre is at the visitor's carpark of Babcock International Group, Napier Way, Bovington BH20 6JD. Google Maps or here What3Words
Parking is in the same place as the event centre along with registration and download.
The event will take place in a compact area on a ridge of heathland and forest studded with > 200 sinkholes. The courses will make full advantage of these features, but no controls will be placed in the bottom of the depressions.The North part of the area is quite runnable, but recent forestry work has left quite a few brashings. The worst areas of bramble have been avoided, so running through dark green may not be the best route-choice. The network of paths and rides can be helpful but also confusing. The Southern half has a steep ridge across the middle of the area, all courses will cross this, and there are areas of open heath. The Southern woods are tougher under foot, with some ridge and furrow. Using paths might be a better route-choice here. The blue and brown courses will have a double-sided map, and on these courses expect climb as you criss-cross up and down the slope.
The area of Affpuddle woods (Forestry England) and Sares Wood (Tilhill Forestry) lies adjacent to the famous Culpepers Dish. This area hasn't been used for orienteering for over 20 years and is part of a much larger forested and heathland area mapped during 2024 by Nick Nourse (The Mapworks). This is one of the last remnants of Thomas Hardy’s Egdon Heath (now mostly forested, but includes some of the ancient woodland), where he set parts of Return of the Native. It is also part of the old stomping ground of TH Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) who lived in nearby Clouds Hill. So, expect classic Dorset. See here for more important information about the terrain from the Planner.
Sport Ident using SIAC enabled controls. All competitors must physically dib at both the start and finish
Registration open from 10:15 for hire card collection (SI Card5 only) and any last minute changes to entry details.
Start and Finish
Starts: 1030-1230
Courses Close: 1400
Start and Finish are situated about 4km from the car park, so we will be operating 2 minibuses between the car park and a drop-off point which is about 600m from the actual start. They will shuttle approximately every 15 minutes, starting at about 9.30. As a result of this additional cost we are charging slightly more than usual, but feel that it is still excellent value due to the quality of the area.
Portable Toilets and a Catering Van
Event Officials
Planner: Jolyon Medlock
Controller: Linda Pakuls (WIM)
Organiser: Julie Astin