The November Classic

Sunday 7th November

Provisional Results

Provisional Results
Sign in to view your entries.


Black (M21) 13.9km 185m climb

Brown (M35 M40) 12.8km 170m climb

Short Brown (M18 M20 M45 M50 W21) 9.9km 130m climb

Blue (M16 M55 M60 W35 W40) 8.0km 110m climb

Short Blue (M65 W18 W20 W45 W50) 6.9km 80m climb

Green (M70 W16 W55 W60) 5.1km 70m climb

Short Green (M75 M80 M85 M90 W65 W70) 4.1km 55m climb

Very Short Green (W75 W80 W85 W90) 3.0km 30m climb

Light Green (M14 W14) 4.4km 70m climb

Orange (M12 W12) 3.6km 60m climb

Yellow (M10 W10) 2.5km 40m climb

White 2.1km 30m climb
Course lengths have increased on some courses due to last minute notification of out of bounds areas for environmental reasons.

Entry Fees
From 12th October:
        Senior: £16.00
        Senior Novice: £6.00
        Non-member Supplement: £2.00
        Junior: £8.00
        Junior Novice: £6.00
From 1st November:
        Senior: £20.00
        Senior Novice: £6.00
        Non-member Supplement: £2.00
        Junior: £8.00
        Junior Novice: £6.00

Juniors are under 21 on 31st December.

Novice fees are charged for entry to the Orange, Yellow and White courses. The £2 Non-Member Supplement applies to people over 21 who are not members of British Orienteering and not running a novice course. Your touch free eTag hire is included in the entry fee. If you lose your eTag we will need to ask you for £50 to cover the cost of a replacement.
Event Information

Welcome to the November Classic. There is a lot of information in the Final Details and much of it you will be familiar with from other orienteering events. Here is a summary of the key points we'd like you to be aware of:

  • The weather forecast is currently for a mild but breezy day. However, the competition area is very exposed and if we need to we will impose the wearing of cagoules. Please bring one with you.
  • The event is being closely monitored for its environmental impact. Please do all you can to minimise your impact on the area:
    • Drive and park only on hardstanding, following the directions of the car park marshalls
    • During your run do not enter the out of bounds areas shown on the map
    • Take your litter home with you
  • Allow yourself good time to walk approx 2km to the Start. If you miss your allocated start time you may have to wait quite a while for a free start slot

There have been a handful of changes to start times so please check your allocated start time shown below. Most changes are by just a few minutes but late starters on the Black and Brown have been brought forward by up to 30 minutes.

We hope you have an enjoyable day in the New Forest.

Southampton Orienteering Club


Ocknell Campsite, 3km South of Fritham. Grid Ref: SU252119. Nearest postcode: SO43 7HH (the event centre is 2km south of here). what3words: community.deleting.wipes. Open Loc/Plus: 9C2WW944+CR9

Travel Directions
If travelling from North or East of the area, leave the M27 at Junction 1 and follow the brown leisure signs to Ocknell Campsite.
If traveling from the West, turn left off the A31 at grid SU256116, as indicated by the brown leisure sign to Ocknell Campsite.

The event counts to the UK Orienteering League. If you want to score points in the league you must enter the right course for your age class (as shown in the course name).

Parking, toilets, enquiries, eTag issue, key drop, download, Tom's Food Wagon and CompassPoint are located at the event centre, Ocknell Campsite.

Parking (from 08.00)
Please follow the directions of the car park marshalls. We must ensure that there is no parking or driving on verges or grassed areas. Take care when driving through the campsite. There will be a large number of competitors walking to and from the Event Centre. Please do not arrive at the campsite entrance before 08.00.

There will be litter bags at the Event Centre but we would appreciate it if you could take your own litter home with you.

Start and Finish Location
The Start and Finish are a reasonably flat 2km walk from the event centre. A clothing dump will be close to the Start and Finish. There will be no toilets at the Start/Finish area.

First Aid
The First Aid response vehicle will be located at the Start/Finish.

Touch free eTag collection: 0830 - 1200
Start times: 0930 - 1230
Courses close: 1430
All competitors to be clear of the Event Centre by 1600.

Milkham, Slufters and Broomy Bottom. 1:10,000 scale, 5 m contours. Symbols ISOM 2017-2. Surveyed in 2020 (for postponed event), minor changes made in 2021. Mapper Roger Pleasant SOC. All maps are single-sided A3, waterproof paper, showing map legend and control descriptions. Loose control descriptions will be available in the start lanes. Map printing by BML.

Most of the area consists of exposed open heathland, much of it traditional heather clad and some areas that were coniferous enclosures which have been felled during the last ten years.

The easy running open land shown on the map is used to indicate forest lawn and also heather which has been cut in recent years.

The few areas of bracken on the map, indicated by the slow running screen, are beginning to die back and should not hinder competitiors.

Planner's Notes
Out of Bounds Areas The map contains many areas of OOB to protect streams and marshes. Courses have now been altered so that no advantage is gained by entering these areas. Black and yellow tape to indicate OOB on the ground has only been used in a couple of areas. The tape should not be used as a navigation aid. Unfortunately the OOB screen hides map detail but please make every effort not to enter any of these areas. The future of orienteering in the New Forest depends on us all doing so.

Control Sites We are now required to photograph control sites before and after the event. A few controls are by the sides of ponds and small marshes. We ask that you are as careful as possible when visiting theses sites.

White and Yellow Courses These courses run along various linear features, forest roads, paths, rides, minor streams and linear marshes.

Roads There are road crossings on all courses Black to Very Short Green. The roads are generally straight with good visibility but care needs to be taken when crossing the roads of both cars and cyclists. Please do not run along the roads. The Light Green, Orange, Yellow and White courses do not cross any roads.

Clothing and equipment
Full leg cover and footwear suitable for the terrain must be worn. Trail shoes or sturdy walking boots are recommended. Whistles must be carried. Whistles will be available at eTag Issue along with a charity box for The Army Benevolent Fund. Suggested donation £1.

The area is very exposed and it is likely that all competitors will be required to wear a cagoule or similar waterproof top. Make sure you have a waterproof top with you.

Timing System
EMIT Touch-free on loan from EMIT UK. eTag hire fee is included in your entry fee. The charge for a lost eTag is £50.

Using the EMIT touch free eTag
You will be issued with a touch free eTag and a velcro strap. Attach the eTag to the strap and wear it on your wrist.
The EMIT Touch Free eTag
In the picture above you can see the location of the LED light just beneath where the strap crosses over the eTag. This LED flashes brightly when you `punch` at a control. It is the competitor`s responsibility to check that the eTag flashes at each control.

The correct way to use your eTag (short video)

Before the start: You will be asked to activate the eTag as you are called forward for your start. This tests that your eTag flashes correctly and will also register you as about to start.

At the start: As you leave the start line you will pass your eTag across one of the Start controls. Your eTag will flash and the chip time will be set to zero.

At each control: Pass your eTag across the top of the control and check that it flashes. If it doesn't then use the backup pin punch located under the control to punch on the side of your map.

At the finish: Pass your eTag across the top of the finish control and check that it flashes.

The Start Procedure
All competitors will have a punching start. Start times are allocated and you should make all efforts to be on time. If you don't you may have a long wait for a start slot on your course.

Competitors on the Yellow and White courses should make themselves known to the start marshall before call up so they can be given their map.

You will be called forward into the start area. As you enter the start area you will activate your eTag to register that you are about to start. Please make sure your tag flashes. If it doesn't please seek help from a start marshall.

Loose, waterproof control descriptions will be available at -3. A blank map will be available at -2. As you leave the start pass your eTag over one of the START controls and and check that your eTag flashes. Proceed to the labelled map boxes to pick up your map. Make sure you pick up the correct map.

On the Course
It's a touch free event - please do not touch the controls, not even with your eTag. Just hover your wrist above the control and check that the eTag flashes. Be aware of other competitors and other users. Keep your distance at all times. Give way at controls, be patient.

Safety Bearing
On the shorter courses that do not cross any roads the safety bearing is Northwest to get to a road. On the longer courses, if you have crossed a road then you should return to that road. Once on the road, head North, Northeast or East keeping well on the verge.

On your return to the Event Centre please go immediately to Download. If you have a concern about your result please raise it immediately with the download team. Please return your eTag in the basket provided after you have downloaded.

If you retire from the event you MUST report to Download so that we know you are back safely.

Results will not be displayed at the Event Centre. Live results will be posted online at

The Environment
Please come to the event with clean and dry shoes and clothing. After your run please follow the guidance that helps us protect our precious environment: Check - Clean - Dry.

Please read and follow The New Forest Code. Smoking is not allowed in the Event Centre, on the walk to and from the start or in the competition area.

Please be aware of the risk of ticks and Lymes disease. The area is frequented by ponies, deer and livestock and the usual precautions to avoid infection apply. Please avoid disturbing or frightening the livestock as best you can. Be aware of the risk of kicks and bites. The area is popular with cyclists, walkers, dog walkers and horse riders so please be respectful of the general public and their animals.

Please do not pick up litter or unidentified objects in the competition area.

Cycle Routes
There are two cycle routes that cross the competition area, one of which is only crossed by the Black, Brown and Short Brown courses. The White and Yellow courses follow a cycle route in places. The run in and finish are also on a cycle route. When running on any wide, gravelled track please keep to the side and take care when crossing.

Orienteering is a physically challenging sport. Competitors take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. If you are new to the sport please do not underestimate the risk of competing on the technically difficult courses. The Orange, Yellow and White courses are suitable for beginners. The Light Green is suitable for those with some experience of orienteering.

Medical Conditions
If you have a high risk medical condition you want the organisers to be aware of please download and complete this form and place it in a sealed envelope with your name on it. This can be left at registration. Envelopes will only be opened if required for a medical emergency. Unopened envelopes should be collected after the event. Any unclaimed envelopes will be destroyed after the event.

Before attending any sporting activity you should self-assess for symptoms of COVID-19. These are:

  • A high temperature;
  • A new, continuous cough;
  • A loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste.
If you, or anyone you live with, have one or more of these symptoms you should not attend any sporting activity, even if your symptoms are mild. You should follow NHS guidance on testing and self-isolation. If you have been informed that you need to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace (or are required to self-isolate in relation to travel), you must do so. You should not leave your isolation location in order to participate in sport and physical activity.

Hand sanitisers will be provided at the Event Centre and the start and finish locations.

Should you need to withdraw from the event for any reason related to COVID-19 please contact the event organiser.

Photography and Safeguarding
Photography is not allowed in the toilets or any "changing area" including the car park. Any concerns with photography or the behaviour of anyone toward any child or young adult must be reported to the event organiser or other official. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility, play your part, report any concerns and follow good practice.

Dogs are allowed in the event centre and on the walk to and from the start. Dogs must be kept under control at all times. Dogs are not allowed on the courses. Dog owners should abide by Forestry England`s responsible Forest Dog Code.

Event Officials
Planner: Bill Davidson SOC
Mapper: Roger Pleasant SOC
Controller: Mike Murray SLOW
Organiser: Peter Davis SOC (Email)

Personal information
The personal data you provide will be used by the event organisers and their agents only for the purpose of processing and publishing entries and results and as required by our insurers to validate our cover.

Refunds will only be made in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the organiser. Please contact the organiser if you have or need to withdraw from the event and would like to request a refund. A full refund will be made if you are unable to attend due to Coronavirus illness or the need to quarantine or self-isolate.

Event Cancellation or Postponement
If the event is cancelled SOC reserve the right to retain part or all of the entry fee to cover committed costs. If the event is postponed your entry will be transferred to the rearranged event. For a limited period you will be allowed to withdraw your entry from the rearranged event and receive a partial refund of your entry fee.

The Orienteering Foundation
As you may know, the Orienteering Foundation is a charity independent of British Orienteering that promotes and supports orienteering, to bring all the benefits this amazing sport has to offer to the people of the UK, and to ensure that our sport is here for the enjoyment of generations to come.

The Foundation has an Ambassador in most of the Associations but not currently one in SCOA. Ambassadors are not expected to seek donations from current or potential donors. More information on the role.

Andrew Evans, Chair of Trustees, will be at the event and would love to hear from anyone within SCOA interested in discussing the Ambassador role. An Orienteering Foundation banner will be at the event and Andrew (in a DFOK top) will try to be near this whenever he is not out on his runs. It is also an opportunity for anyone to ask Andrew about grant applications that you our your club may be interested in some time henceforth.

This event takes place with the kind permission of Forestry England

The November Classic Website