Summer Series Blandford

Saturday 24th September

Entries are closed

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Entered: 15

60 minute score using Maprun

Entry Fees
Entry Fee: £5.00
Senior: £5.00
Junior: £2.00
Juniors are under 21 on 31st December.
Competitors under 16 on the day must be accompanied by an adult.
Event Information

24th September 2022 10:30 am – 2:30 pm
This is the last of the 6 events of our WIM/WSX Summer Series of score events. All 6 events are being run alongside the Find Your Way events which are free introductory Yellow and Orange courses. You only need to use this Racesignup page if you want to run the 60 minute score. Yellow and Orange courses are free.

Maprun6 downloaded on your phone. No dibbers required. The map can be found and downloaded to your phone in advance from the Maprun folder UK|Find Your Way|FYW Dorset. There is no PIN code for the course but the organisers ask you to exercise a sense of fair play and not study and hence plan their course beforehand.

Urban running in the historic markrt town of Blandford Forum including some parkland and old railway line, depending on your route choice.

The Milldown car park (Maple Tree Close) has 30 FREE spaces. nearest post code is DT11 7SH


Course Information
You have 60 minutes to go from the Start to the Finish via as many controls as you can. You gain 20 points per control but lose 10 points per minute – or part minute over the 60. Visit our MapRun pages for info on getting and using the app: Click here

Event details