SE Sprint Championships

Sunday 31st July

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SE Sprint Champs

Final details are now available (click here)

This event is the South-East Sprint Championships for 2022, at the University of Surrey in Guildford which was first used for the World Cup in 2005 and a few years later for the JK.

For these sprint champs, GO has obtained permission to use a new part of the campus and the Research Park, offering competitors a brand new area with brand new challenges!

You should enter by age class; you may run 'up' to a 'higher' age class but if so you do not compete in your 'real' age class (eg an M45 running M18-40 cannot win M45-M55 even if faster than its winner (it's the same course)). If you want to run 'down' you must select 'out of class'.

There will be two races, AM and PM. The two times added together wlll be used to decide the Championship ranking.
AM race Start times: 10:30-11:30 (+ a little for course 3)
PM race Start times: 12:30-13:30 (+ ditto)

This year the second (PM) race will not have a 'chasing start'. Your start time in the PM race will be exactly 2 hours after your chosen start time for the AM race.

Entry (online only) is available up until the 29th of July. After 24th July the entry fees increase and are subject to the availability of pre-printed maps for each course.
Entries can be amended online until the 29th of July. After that please contact the Organiser for amendments.

Course 1 2.4km AM; 2.4km PM
For classes M14-16, M18-40, M45-55
Entry limit: 68

Course 2 2km AM; 2.2km PM
For classes W14-16, W18-40, W45-55
You can also enter 'out of class'

Entry limit: 45

Course 3 1.7km AM; 1.8km PM
For classes M60-65, M70+, W60-65, W70+
You can also enter 'out of class'

Entry limit: 68

Course 4 1.4km AM; 1.2km PM
For classes M10-12, W10-12
You can also enter 'out of class'

Entry limit: 8

Standalone dibber hire
This is just for dibber hire after you have entered without hiring

Entry Fees
Entry fees until 24th July:
Senior: £9.50 (non-BOF member £11.50)
Junior/Student: £5 (non-BOF £6)
SI card hire: £1
Contactless SIAC card hire: £2.50

From 25th July fees increase by £1.50 to:
Senior: £11/£13
Junior/Student: £6.50/£7.50
Event Information

Entrants should not attend the event if they have any reason to think they may spread the virus. Official restrictions have been lifted but Covid-19 is still in circulation and we encourage a continued responsible approach at our events. People have different risk tolerances and we wish to respect all personal choices as normality returns.

Entrants should be aware of, and abide by, the British Orienteering Participant Code of Conduct (revised August 2021).

Due to the dense urban nature of the competition area it is not suitable for dogs. However well behaved dogs are welcome in the car park.

Medical conditions
Competitors take part at their own risk. If you have an existing Medical Condition of which the Organisers should be aware, please complete a Medical Form which can be downloaded from the British Orienteering website and hand in at Download/Enquiries in a sealed envelope marked with your name and "Confidential Medical Form for GO event 31/07/22 only". This will be opened only if you require medical treatment and are not conscious. It will be destroyed at the end of the event.

GO webpage event info