White 1.7km
An easy course using paths. Suitable for juniors, younger beginners and novice families.
Entry limit: 16
Yellow 2.4km
An easy course using paths and other linear features (e.g. a fence, the edge of the forest, etc.). Suitable for more confident juniors and families.
Entry limit: 7
Orange 2.6km
A moderate-easy course with some controls away from liner features (e.g. off a path, within the forest). Suitable for confident juniors and adult beginners.
Entry limit: 8
Light Green 3.5km
An intermediate navigational challenge which may involve using non-liner features (e.g. contour features) and route choice between controls. Suitable for confident adults and juniors.
Entry limit: 10
Short Green 3.5km
Navigationally challenging but less physically demanding distance/climb. For experienced orienteers.
Entry limit: 34
Green 4.5km
Navigationally challenging and increasingly physically demanding. For experienced orienteers.
Entry limit: 50
Blue 6.5km
Navigationally challenging and increasingly physically demanding. For experienced orienteers.
Entry limit: 45
Brown 8.5km
Navigationally challenging and increasingly physically demanding. For experienced orienteers.
Entry limit: 18
Please note these courses are for civilians only.
Army runners need to enter through the BAOC event.
See Claro website for full up-to-date details
These will be posted on the Claro website http://www.claro-orienteering.org.uk/wp/. When entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports.
Organiser: Richard Kirk (CLARO) Tel: 01765 647981 (Landline). Mobile: 07871 755311
Entries Secretary - Linda Kelly - Entry Enquiries to entries@claro-orienteering.org.uk
Planner: John Lebeter (CLARO)
Controller: Graham Ramsden (CLARO)