Westonbirt - Southwest Orienteering League

Sunday 8th January

Entries are closed

Entries are closed
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Entered: 276

Car Sharing available

Westonbirt Arboretum

SWOA Regional League Event. British Orienteering Regional Ranking Event
Contact: andrewlaw456@gmail.com

BROWN 10.9km 120m climb
Suitable for experienced orienteers only
Entry limit: 48
Entered: 48

BLUE 7.1km 90m climb
Suitable for experienced orienteers only
Entry limit: 68
Entered: 68

GREEN 4.6km 70m climb
Suitable for experienced orienteers only
Entry limit: 68
Entered: 68

SHORT GREEN 3.7km 60m climb
Suitable for experienced orienteers only
Entry limit: 38
Entered: 38

LIGHT GREEN 3.6km 60m climb
Suitable for improving orienteers
Entry limit: 11
Entered: 11

ORANGE 3.4km 10m climb
Suitable for all orienteers
Entry limit: 21
Entered: 21

YELLOW 2.3km 10m climb
Suitable for beginners
Entry limit: 17
Entered: 17

WHITE 1.5km 5m climb
Suitable for beginners
Entry limit: 5
Entered: 5

Westonbirt consists of two joined areas. The Old Arboretum is a carefully designed landscape with multiple glades and paths. Silk Wood is a traditional working woodland with rides and paths. Please note that this is the National Arboretum and the paying public will be encountered.

Entry Fees
From 28th November:
        Senior: £11.00
        Senior Novice: £5.50
        Senior Chip hire: £1.50
        Junior/Student: £4.00
        Junior/Student Chip hire: £1.50
        Entry Fee: £7.50
        Entry Fee Chip hire: £1.50
From 29th December:
        Senior: £13.00
        Senior Novice: £7.50
        Senior Chip hire: £1.50
        Junior/Student: £6.00
        Junior/Student Chip hire: £1.50
        Entry Fee: £9.50
        Entry Fee Chip hire: £1.50

Juniors are under 21 on 31st December.

Students are competitors over the age of 20 still in full-time education. Please check STUDENT on the Entry Form if this applies.

Helpers are entitled to 50% discount on entry fee (please contact Organiser for discount code)

Novice Courses for Seniors are Orange, Yellow & White.

If you wish to enter as a GROUP on one of the Novice Courses (Orange/Yellow/White) you will be charged a single fee of £7.50 (£9.50 after 28/12/22) no matter how large your group is and will receive 2 maps. Don't forget to hire a dibber if you do not own one. For insurance purposes please could you provide the names of the people in your group on the entry form.

GROUP entries are not available on any other courses.

Late entries will incur an additional fee of £2 on all courses

Discounts do not apply to EMIT hire (lost card charges £50)
Event Information

Travel Directions
Westonbirt Arboretum (GL8 8QS) is located 3 miles south west of Tetbury and will be signed off the A433 at GR ST856897. Assembly will be in the Westonbirt Arboretum overflow parking area.

Car Share
The Car Sharing Scheme is available on the signup page where you will find full details about how it works.

It is planned for parking to be in the Westonbirt Arboretum overflow parking area. If ground conditions restrict parking in the overflow parking area, other areas will be made available and signs/marshals will provide directions. Registration will be at the west end of the overflow parking area and competitors should make their way there once parked.

Registration will be open for EMIT card collection from 10.00.

Start Times
Start times: 10:30 - 12:30
Courses close: 14:30

  • It will be a punching start.
  • Start Blocks
    Start blocks have been introduced to ease the flow of competitors however there will be sufficient flexibility to start runners should they arrive early or late for their allocated start time.


  • Toilets
  • First Aider
  • Food - coffee and cakes
  • Entry
    On-line entry only - standard entry closes at 23.59 on 28-12-2022.


  • You can amend your entry to change course until 23:59 on 05-01-2023 if maps are still available for the course you want to change to.
  • If you have entered as a Senior Novice (O/Y/W) please do not change to one of the more difficult courses as the fees are higher.
  • Late entries will be available while map stocks last until 23:59 on 05-01-2023 but will incur an additional fee of £2 on all courses
  • Refund Policy
    You may withdraw from the event up until 23:59 on 28-12-2022. Your entry fee will be held as a credit to be redeemed when you next enter an NWO event.

    Timing System
    EMIT card

  • Competitors with their own EMIT cards can proceed directly to the start
  • Hire cards can be picked up from the table next to download
  • Map
    Scale 1:10,000, 5m contours. BOK map surveyed 2018-2022.
    Overprinted with course on waterproof paper with control descriptions on the front. White, Yellow and Orange courses will have written descriptions; other courses will have pictorial descriptions. Loose control descriptions for all courses will be available at the start.

    Westonbirt consists of two joined areas. The Old Arboretum is a carefully designed landscape with multiple glades and paths. Silk Wood is a traditional working woodland with rides and paths. Please note that this is the National Arboretum and the paying public will be encountered.

    Course lengths are subject to controlling.

    Results, Splits and Routegadget will be available on the North Wiltshire Orienteers website as soon as practicable after the event

    South West Orienteering League
    This event is part of the South West Orienteering League in which your best 5 results will count for your final placing; check your position on the SWOA website. There is also a Handicap League in which your standing could be very different from the straight colour coded results. Further information is available at: South West Orienteering League Handicap Results – South West Orienteering Association (sworienteeringassociation.co.uk)

    Please make yourself aware of and abide by the British Orienteering Participant Code of Conduct.

    Clothing and equipment

  • Full leg and arm cover MUST be worn.
  • Whistles MUST be carried and will be checked at the start.
  • In adverse weather we may ask you to wear a cagoule or similar waterproof top
  • Arboretum Access
    Forestry England have kindly agreed that competitors may re-enter the arboretum as visitors having finished their event. They have also agreed that any junior may be accompanied by up to two guardians without extra charge; however, additional family members must pay and enter the arboretum as paying visitors.

    Please come to the event with clean and dry shoes and clothing. Before leaving the event check your clothing and equipment and remove any mud, soil or leaf litter. Once home thoroughly clean your footwear and clothing and leave it to dry for as long as possible. Please take home any litter with you.

    Dogs may be taken into Silk Wood but not into the Old Arboretum. As courses will make use of both areas, dogs should be restricted to the car park.

    Fences must only be crossed at marked points.
    Cattle may be encountered.
    Competitors must avoid log stacks.


  • All competitors MUST report to Download even if retiring from the event.
  • Lone competitors are recommended to leave car keys at Information/Download.
  • Participants to bring their own water and ensure adequate hydration pre and post event. Hand sanitisers will be available; however, we encourage participants to bring their own.
  • Orienteering is a physically challenging sport, and competitors take part at their own risk.
  • The nearest A&E Hospital is at RUH Bath, Combe Pk, BA1 3NG.

    The British Orienteering insurance policy provides public liability cover for all competitors registered for this event.

    Medical Conditions
    If you have a high risk medical condition you want the organisers to be aware of please download and complete this form and place it in a sealed envelope with your name on it. This can be left at registration. Envelopes will only be opened if required for a medical emergency. Unopened envelopes should be collected after the event. Any unclaimed envelopes will be destroyed after the event.

    Prior to the event, if you display symptoms (or test positive) for COVID-19, or are required to self-isolate then you must not attend.

    Event Officials
    Organiser: AndrewLaw (NWO) (07841 381301)
    Planner: Steve Jackson (NWO)
    Controller: Alan Honey (BOK)

    Personal Information
    The personal data you give when you enter will be used by the event organisers and their agents, but only for the purpose of processing/publishing entries/results, conducting safety checks and as required by our insurers to validate our cover and managed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

    Cancellation Policy
    NWO will make every effort to ensure the event goes ahead as planned. However, should the event be cancelled, NWO reserves the right to retain part of the advance entry fees to meet costs already incurred or committed.