EBOR Winter Lamp O series 2023

11 Jan - 22 Mar

Last event Mar 22

Last event Mar 22
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Entered York City Centre 11 Jan: 16
Entered Huntington Jan 25: 16
Entered Poppleton Feb 8: 9
Entered York City Centre 22 Feb: 9
Entered Bishopthorpe Mar 8: 15
Entered Tadcaster Mar 22: 14

Winter Lamp O series

How many controls can you find in 45 minutes? Maps are 1:7500 and there will be 30 lamp posts to find. There will be a mass start at 1830 and you will need to be back by 1915. Points for each lamp post found, penalties if you are late back! This will appeal to orienteers and runners looking for a bit of variety alike.

Since this is on street running, competitors under 16 years of age must be accompanied, supervised by adult.

5 races in York and 1 in Tadcaster as follows:

11 Jan 23 Brew York, Walmgate, York City Centre
25 Jan 23 Blacksmiths Arms, Huntington
08 Feb 23 Lord Collingwood, Poppleton Please advise ooberdude(@)hotmail.com if you want food.
22 Feb 23 Eagle and Child, High Petergate, York City Centre
08 Mar 23 The Marcia Inn, Main St, Bishopthorpe
22 Mar 23 Coach and Horses, Commercial St. Tadcaster (note 7pm start)

Meet at the given location at around 6-15 pm for briefing, map distribution, and issue of control cards. Time for post run analysis in the chosen hostelry.

Don't forget your headtorch and pen!
Contact: stevie58c@gmail.com
Entry Fees
Entry Fee: £3.00
£3 per event via Racesignup preferred. Cash payment on the day accepted.
Event Information