Brown 7.6km 220m climb
No. of Controls 21
Map scale: 1:7500
Entry limit: 27
Blue 5.8km 150m climb
No. of Controls 18
Map scale: 1:7500
Entry limit: 17
Green 4.1km 100m climb
No. of Controls 16
Map scale: 1:7500
Entry limit: 25
Short Green 3.2km 80m climb
No. of Controls 12
Map scale: 1:7500
Entry limit: 14
Light Green 2.9km 70m climb
No. of Controls 10
Map scale: 1:7500
Entry limit: 10
Orange 2.6km 60m climb
No. of Controls 8
Map scale: 1:7500
Entry limit: 12
Yellow 2.0km 60m climb
No. of Controls 7
Map scale 1:7500
Entry limit: 10
Event Information
See final details on the club website.
Ashclyst last minute changes as of Thursday 13th
Yesterday, for genuine ornithological reasons, NT asked us to take out two control sites and limit use of another. As the maps have already been printed, we have decided to do the following: