Brown 7.5km 415m climb
Longest technical course
Entry limit: 22
Entered: 12
Blue 6.3km 300m climb
Technical course shorter than Brown
Entry limit: 27
Entered: 23
Green 4.8km 245m climb
Technical course shorter than Blue
Entry limit: 37
Entered: 32
Short Green 2.9km 160m climb
Shortest technical course
Entry limit: 19
Entered: 14
Light Green 3.4km 180m climb
Easier technical course than Short Green
Entry limit: 12
Entered: 9
Orange 3.0km 130m climb
Basic use of compass and route choice required
Entry limit: 12
Entered: 6
Yellow 2.2km 105m climb
Uses simple linear features like paths, walls and streams.
Entry limit: 7
Entered: 2
White 1.9km 50m climb
Very easy course with all controls on paths
Entry limit: 12
Entered: 6
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