HAVOC-SOS Mid-week Winter Series No9 Hatfield Peverel

Wednesday 21st February

Mid week street event
The event will form part of HAVOC/SOS Mid-Week O League. Points will be awarded based on finishing times adjusted using an age/gender handicap system.  Each missed or incorrect control will incur a 5 minutes penalty.  Best 6 results from the series will count.  Full results will be emailed and published on the SOS and HAVOC websites.
Contact: christopher.childs@tiscali.co.uk

View Your Entry

Entries are closed. Sign in to view your entries.

Entered: 34

Long 6.8km 24 controls
The Long course comprises two routes (‘Long’ followed by ‘Short’). The times for the two routes will be added together.
Part 1: 3.4k, 12 controls (Long)
Part 2: 3.4k, 12 controls (Short)
Collect map 2 and code for 'Short' at event control after finishing map 1.

Entered: 26

Short 3.4km 12 controls
Entered: 8

Courses are direct distance between controls. You will run further.
The long course is a two-part course, collect map 2 at event control after finishing map 1.
Part 1: 3.4k (12 controls) Part 2: 3.4k (12 controls)
Controls are various pieces of street furniture which you are to visit in order.

Entry Fees
Senior: £4.00/£5.00
Junior/Student: £2.00

Juniors are under 21 on 31st December.

£1 surcharge applies to non-orienteering club members.
Event Information

The Blue Strawberry Bistro, The Street, Hatfield Peverel, CM3 2DW
Event control will be located in the conservatory at the rear of the building.

Free parking is available in the shops’ car park (please take and display the FREE ticket in your car) 100 yards East of the Blue Strawberry on the opposite side of the road, or in the Swan pub car park or in the small attached car park if you are purchasing food.

Start at times between 6.30pm and 7.30pm.
Competitors must report to the finish by 8.45pm.

Event information
Open Orienteering Map 1:5000 printed on plain paper in a plastic wallet. Advice to runners – the printed map you receive more accurately defines the position of the controls
Controls are various pieces of street furniture which you are to visit in order.
The event will be run using Maprun. Information about Maprun is available at www.stragglers.info/info/virtual-orienteering-courses
You will be given an access code at the event. The map will not be visible on your phone until the code is entered. Note you do not need to enter a code to run using a Garmin watch.
Your result will be automatically downloaded when you finish. Note, if a control is missed then the software will show your result as Mispunch, but in the official results we will add the usual penalty for a missed or incorrect control. If the app does not register a control, record the appropriate information. Please ensure you notify the organiser that you have finished, so that safety checks can be completed..
The courses can still be completed conventionally, but you will need to record the lower number on the hydrant signs (actual and homemade) the postcode of postboxes, lamp and telephone post numbers and a house number. If you wish to do it this way please bring a pencil or pen.
The course is on roads, pavements, footpaths and parkland. Wear suitable footwear.
Newcomers welcome. Help and guidance available.

Toilets are available in the pub.
Why not stay behind and join us for a drink in the Blue Strawberry.
The Blue Strawberry will be offering a Bar Style menu for this event so participants will not have to order any food from their a la carte menu. Although it is yet to be finalised, there’ll be dishes like Scampi, Fish n Chips and Burgers available.

Participation is at your own risk. Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult.
Bring clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather conditions.
This is a night event. A head or hand torch are compulsory.
As with any street orienteering participants will be required to cross roads and you are asked to take due care and attention at all times. High visibility clothing is strongly recommended.
There may be dog walkers, cyclists or residents on pavements and footpaths – be aware and give them priority.

Essex Stragglers