UKUL Race 7 and SEOUL Urban races at Aldershot

Saturday 1st June

Welcome to a brand new map of Aldershot, the home of the British Army
This round of the UK Urban League (UKUL) takes place in Aldershot, Hampshire on an area which is 100% new to competitive orienteering. This is an extensive area offering a mixture of Aldershot Garrison's married quarters, barracks and Army playing fields, contrasting with the town centre that is undergoing rejuvenation. The event centre will be in Cassino Park, just off the A323.

View Your Entry

Entries are closed. Sign in to view your entries.

Entered: 208

Course 1. Men Open (MO) 7.9km 125m climb
(opt route approx 12.1km) 29 ctrls
Entry limit: 24
Entered: 24

Course 2. MenVet 40+ (MV), Women Open (WO) 7.4km 80m climb
(opt route approx 10.8km) 24 ctrls
Entry limit: 35
Entered: 35

Course 3. Men Supervet 55+ (MSV), Women Vet 40+ (WV) 6.0km 100m climb
(opt route approx 9.6km) 19 ctrls
Entry limit: 45
Entered: 45

Course 4. Men Ultravet 65+ (MUV), Women Supervet 55+ (WSV) 5.4km 55m climb
(opt route approx 8.1km) 19 ctrls
Entry limit: 50
Entered: 50

Course 5. Men Hypervet 75+ (MHV). Women Ultravet 65+ (WUV), Women Hypervet 75+ (WHV) 3.2km 30m climb
(opt route approx 4.2km) 13 ctrls
Entry limit: 39
Entered: 39

Course 6. Men Junior 16- (MJ), Women Junior 16- (WJ) 4.2km 30m climb
(opt route approx 5.4km) 16 ctrls
Entry limit: 11
Entered: 11

Course 7. Men Young Junior 12- (MYJ), Women Young Junior 12- (WYJ) 1.9km 20m climb
(opt route approx 2.4km) 16 ctrls
Entry limit: 4
Entered: 4

Courses 1-3 are on 2-sided maps

Entry Fees
Super-discounted rate until 23:59 on 26th May:
Senior £8 BOF / £10 non-BOF
Junior £3

From 27th May subject to map availability:
Senior £12 BOF / £14 non-BOF
Junior £4

Dibber hire - £1. Lost Dibber charged at £30
SIAC hire subject to availability - £2. Lost SIAC charged at £72
Event Information

Final Details
Please read latest information at Final Details

Online entry only. Entries will stay open up to 12pm on 1st June for EOD.
Guaranteed map and a reduced entry fee to compensate for your parking charges if entered by midnight on 26/5/2024.
Entries after that are subject to map availability and a price hike back to our standard Level C late entry fees.

Parking will be in the public parking in Aldershot. We recommend levels 2 to 4 of the multi-storey car park on the High Street. Parking rates are advertised as being:
2 hours: £1.20
3 hours: £1.80
4 hours: 2.40
5 hours: £3
Note that the ground floor of the multi-storey car park has a different charging rate.

We have made the entry fee cheaper to compensate for having to pay for car parking (as long as you enter by 26/5/24.)

Public Transport
Aldershot train station is 0.4 miles from Cassino Park where the assembly area will be

All participants must select a 15-minute start block. Starts 10:30-12:00.

SIAC enabled but punching start/finish will operate.

Course closes at 13:30, entrants are expected to select courses and start times that enable them to finish their course and download before 13:30.

Helen LePage - Organiser: Helen LePage

Event Information
All the details are provided on the Southern Navigators website

Public toilets are available in Aldershot

Competitors take part in this event at their own risk.

Aldershot UKUL