Castleton Show Run

Saturday 14th September

Entries close 23:59 on 11th Sep

Entries close 23:59 on 11th Sep

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 34 of 150


A most scenic and undulating road course through the heart of the North York Moors National Park, taking in Dibble Bridge, Hob Hole and Westerdale - approximately 6 miles.
Entry Fees
Entry Fee: £12.00/£14.00
Pre-entries to the Run get free entry to the Castleton Show.
Entries on the day are more than welcome, but you will have to pay £5 to enter the Showfield to enter the Run.
Start List
Name Sex Age Cat Bib
North York Moors AC Richard Atkins Male Male 40-44
North York Moors AC Nigel Briggs Male Male 60-64
Sara Brown Female Female 55 - 59
Benjamin Collier Male Male 40-44
Kerrie Cox Female Female 40 - 44
David Cross Male Male 55-59
York Acorn Running Club Michal Czekajlo Male Male 40-44
Vaughn Davies Male Male 50-54
York Knavesmire Harriers Bryan Drew Male Male 55-59
North York Moors AC Mark Edwards Male Male 65-69
Loftus & Whitby AC Mikey Garbutt Male Senior Male
Loftus & Whitby AC Kyah Hall Female Senior Female
North York Moors AC Anthony Harnett Male Male 60-64
Pickering RC Karen Harper Female Female 60 - 64
Chapel Allerton Runners Katherine Hill Female Female 35 - 39
Esk Valley Fell Club Geoff Hine Male Male 65-69
David Hughes Male Male 60-64
Pickering RC Simon Jones Male Male 55-59
Aycliffe RC Patricia Kay Female Female 60 - 64
North York Moors AC Ian Lowther Male Male 50-54
North York Moors AC Jordan Morris Male Senior Male
Loftus & Whitby AC Graham D Palmer Male Male 60-64
Loftus & Whitby AC Philip Peggs Male Male 40-44
Pickering RC Michael Punchard Male Male 65-69
Ian Robinson Male Male 60-64
North York Moors AC Nadeem Saddique Male Male 50-54
North York Moors AC Catherine Shutt Female Female 50 - 54
Suzanne Smith Female Female 45 - 49
Gary Talbot Male Male 55-59
Libby Turnbull Female Senior Female
Catherine Walgate Female Senior Female
Loftus & Whitby AC Michaela Welham Female Female 45 - 49
Guy Weston Male Male 45-49
Harrogate Harriers & AC Gary Wilkinson Male Male 50-54