Yellow 2.5km
Controls (checkpoints) are very easy to find, mostly on paths, ideal for younger children and complete beginners.
Entered: 3
Orange 3.0km
Controls are on or near paths with some route choice. Good for progressing juniors and adults who are reasonably confident reading a map.
Entered: 2
Green 4.5km
Suitable for those with some orienteering experience.
Entered: 2
60 mins Score
All distances on the above line courses are measured in straight lines.
The controls on the Score course can be done in three sets, numbered in the 50's, 60's and 70's. No set course to follow. Find as many controls in any one set then move to a different set and finish on the final set.
Alternatively you can treat all 30 controls as available to visit in any order.
No need to decide which option you want to do in advance.
You have a time limit of 60 minutes for either Score course option with penalties for exceeding the allocated time.
Entered: 3
We invite you to enter an event in Foots Cray Meadows aimed primarily for those new or fairly new to orienteering but with a longer course available for those with some orienteering experience.
Car Parking will be on Leafield Lane, accessed from the northbound A223 North Cray Road (w3w:shave.onions.doors), Sidcup, Dartford DA14 5EB.
You must not attend if you or a member of your household has COVID-19 symptoms,
You must adhere to the British Orienteering Participant Code of Conduct.
Event centre
We will erect a small tent near to the dark blue DFOK sail banner which will be our event centre.
There no toilets close to the event centre. The nearest toilets are at petrol stations and supermarkets in Sidcup and Bexley for their customers.
There will be a first aid kit at the event for largely self-use and a first aid trained club member in attendance.
The map is 1:7,500 for all courses printed on waterproof paper.
These two short videos will hopefully give you a good idea of what you will be doing Videos.
The start will be close to the event centre
Electronic punching
Contactless punching will be facilitated but it is a Punching Start and Finish.
Control descriptions
Control descriptions are printed on the map. Loose control descriptions will be available at the event for the Green course only.
Results will not be on display at the event. There will be a QR code on your map which can be scanned to access live provisional results. The full results will be available on the DFOK website,, in the late afternoon of the event date.
Yellow | Class | Age Category |
Chris Baker | Individual | M90 |
Jasdeep Malik +1 | Group participating together | M10 |
Jessica Walker +2 | Group participating together | W14 |
Orange | Class | Age Category |
Philip Lodge | Individual | M21 |
Jenette Wills | Individual | W14 |
Green | Class | Age Category |
Elaine Eyers | Individual | W40 |
Colin Merry | Individual | M70 |
60 mins Score | Class | Age Category |
David Cave-Ayland | Individual | M70 |
Andrew Evans | Individual | M65 |
Rosie Merry | Individual | W60 |