Thamesmead Urban (UKUL event)

Saturday 26th October

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 17

Dartford Orienteers invite you our UK Urban League event at Thamesmead, an estate developed by the Peabody Trust with an interesting array of intricate passageways ideal for urban orienteering

Make a weekend of orienteering by entering the HAVOC Regional event at nearby Brentwood on the following day


Course 1 Men's Open (MO)
Entered: 1

Course 2 Women's Open (WO), Men's Veteran's (M40+)

Course 3 Women's Veteran's (W40+), Men's Super Veteran's (M55+)

Course 4 Women's Super Veteran's (W55+), Men's Ultra Veteran's (M65+)

Entered: 1

Course 5 Women's Ultra Veteran's (W65+), Women's Hyper Veteran's (W75+), Men's Hyper Veteran's (M75+

Course 6 Women's Juniors (W16-), Men's Juniors (M16-)

Entered: 1

Course 7 Women's Young Juniors (W12-), Men's Young Juniors (M12-)

Entered: 1

Course 8 Accessible course (Wheelchair and Pushchair friendly)

Entry Fees
Registration online including entries on the day if there are maps still available.

Start Times: At any time between 10:30 and 12:30.

Before 30th September (Early Entry)
Seniors £9, Juniors £3

Before 20th October (Standard Entry)
Seniors £11, Junior £4

After 19th October (Late Entry)
Seniors £13, Juniors £5

There is a £2 surcharge for Seniors and £1 for Juniors who are not members of British Orienteering

SI electronic punching will used, add £1 to hire a standard SICard (lost units charged at £30) or £2.50 for a contactless SIAC card (lost units charged at £65).

Families and other groups are welcomed participating together £16 at all entry dates. Includes one copy of the map which you keep afterwards and the hire of a standard electronic chip to wear on your finger as you find your way round the checkpoints
Event Information

We invite you to enter our urban event in Thamesmead, near Abbey Wood at the south eastern end of the Elizabeth Line. The event forms part of the UK Urban League for 2024.

You must not attend if you or a member of your household has COVID-19 symptoms,

You must adhere to the British Orienteering Participant Code of Conduct.

Event centre
The Event Centre is The Nest, one of the communal buildings on the Estate. This will include Enquiries and Download. See the DFOK website for details as to how to get to the Event Centre.

There are toilets at the Event Centre.

There will be a first aid kit at the event for largely self-use and a first aid trained club member in attendance.

The map is 1:5,000 for all courses printed on waterproof paper.

These two short videos will hopefully give you a good idea of what you will be doing Videos.

The start will be 600m from the event centre

Electronic punching
Contactless punching will be facilitated but it is a Punching Start and Finish.

Control descriptions
Control descriptions are printed on the map. Loose control descriptions will be available in the Start lanes.

The finish is 600m from the Event Centre. Please proceed straight to download at the Event Centre after you have completed your run.

Results will not be on display at the event. There will be a QR code on your map which can be scanned to access live provisional results. The full results will be available on the DFOK website,, in the late afternoon of the event date.

We are grateful to Peabody Trust for access to the area and for the use of the facilities at our Event Centre

Event Details
Start List
Course 1 Men's Open (MO) Age Category Club
Tony Burton M60 MV
Kay Hawke W40 PFO
Philip Lodge M21 IND
Jiri Martan M50
Antoine Pesenti M50 DFOK
Michael Tsang M21 SLOW
Course 2 Women's Open (WO), Men's Veteran's (M40+) Age Category Club
Carolyn Hindle W21 FVO
Stig Hultgreen Karlsen M65
Emma Taylor W35 PFO
Course 3 Women's Veteran's (W40+), Men's Super Veteran's (M55+) Age Category Club
Elaine Eyers W40 DFOK
Trevor Hindle M60 MDOC
Daniela Martanova W50
Course 4 Women's Super Veteran's (W55+), Men's Ultra Veteran's (M65+) Age Category Club
Richard Bonnett M65 BAOC
Hazel Hindle W60 MDOC
Jenette Wills W55 IND
Course 6 Women's Juniors (W16-), Men's Juniors (M16-) Age Category Club
Jessica Walker +2 W14 IND
Course 7 Women's Young Juniors (W12-), Men's Young Juniors (M12-) Age Category Club
Jasdeep Malik +1 M10 IND