Sphinx AC Summer 5

Wednesday 4th June

Entries close 23:59 on 1st Jun

Entries close 23:59 on 1st Jun

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 218 of 550

Part of the Warwickshire Road Race League, the Sphinx AC Summer 5 is an annual 5-mile race organised and promoted by Sphinx AC which is hosted in and around Coventry’s War Memorial Park.

It has earned its deserved reputation by offering a value-for-money event that boasts excellent organisation around a stretching - largely traffic free - course.

As well as a finisher memento the race is well known for the free cakes that await all finishers.

The event is well-supported by club athletes from all over Coventry, Warwickshire and the greater Midlands running community.

Unattached runners and beginners are also assured of a warm welcome at Sphinx AC events.

Contact: race.secretary@sphinx.org.uk
Entry Fees
This race offers an evening racing as part of the WRRL and is fantastic value for money. Cash prizes available for first 3 finishers plus age categories winners.
Your entry fee includes a race memento and free cake at the finish.
Race Information

Full Race Day Details will be emailed seven days before the event. If you haven't heard from us, in the first instance please check your junk mailbox. If still no email - contact race.secretary@sphinx.org.uk

Race HQ is along side the cafe / tennis pavilion area

Registration from 18:00 - 19:30
Race Briefing 19:40
Start 19:45

First Aid
A mobile medical crew will be on standby throughout the event.

Transferring your place
How to transfer your entry to someone else:

  1. From this page, login to Racesignup (by tapping Manage my entry or Enter now)
  2. Scroll down to the "Your Entries" panel where you will see a green Transfer button against your name. Tap that Transfer button.
  3. Provide the email address of the person who is taking your place
  4. They will get an email with instructions on how to take up their place. You will get a copy of that email.
Please note that you are responsible for any transaction between you and the person taking your place.

Taking up a transferred entry
When someone transfers their entry to you, you will receive an email with a transfer code:

  1. From this page, login to Racesignup (by tapping Manage my entry or Enter now)
  2. If you don't yet have a Racesignup account you will be prompted to create one.
  3. Above the Sign Up panel you will see a green button: "I have a transfer code". Tap that button and enter your code.
  4. If your code is validated, tap on your name in the Sign Up panel and complete the entry form.
  5. You will get an email confirming that your entry has been made.

Club Website
Start List
UKA Club
Steve Armstrong Knowle & Dorridge RC
Christopher Ashford Knowle & Dorridge RC
Sarah Asprey Kenilworth Runners
Ralph Atkinson Northbrook Athletic Club
Ryan Baker Kenilworth Runners
Dale Ball Coventry Godiva Harriers
Peter Banks Coventry Godiva Harriers
Dean Bateman Nuneaton Harriers
Henry Beale Sphinx AC
Nathan Beard Centurion RC
Karen Bell Knowle & Dorridge RC
Paul Bentley Knowle & Dorridge RC
Christine Bevis Massey Ferguson RC
Natalie Bhangal Leamington C & AC
Dave Bickley Massey Ferguson RC
Emma Bish Spa Striders
Nigel Blake Kenilworth Runners
Carol Blower Leamington Cycling and Athletics Club
Ed Bower Knowle & Dorridge RC
Kira Bowes Centurion RC
Lisa Bowes Centurion RC
Brian Boyle
Tori Boyle Northbrook AC
Paul Bradly Massey Ferguson RC
Amy Broadfield Knowle & Dorridge RC
Rachel Brock Massey Ferguson RC
Lee Brotherhood Knowle & Dorridge RC
David Buist Spa Striders
Debbie Campbell Northbrook Athletic Club
Natasha Campbell Knowle & Dorridge RC
Joe Chalmers Coventry Godiva Harriers
William Chalmers Coventry Godiva Harriers
Lucy Chapman Knowle & Dorridge RC
Nev Chapman Spa Striders
Anthony Claydon Spa Striders
Jennifer Cockayne Stratford-upon-Avon AC
Clare Colquhoun Centurion RC
Louis Conibear Solihull & Small Heath AC
Paul Cooper Centurion RC
Paul Cooper Massey Ferguson RC
Paul Cornock Centurion RC
Claire Coventry Massey Ferguson RC
Amanda Crees Knowle & Dorridge RC
Mark Cummings Coventry Godiva Harriers
Paul Curtis Northbrook AC
Dewi Dankmeyer Coventry Godiva Harriers
Spencer Davies Northbrook AC
Emma Davis Stratford-upon-Avon AC
Caleb Davy Leamington Cycling and Athletics Club
Ian Davy Spa Striders
Mike Day Knowle & Dorridge RC
Anna Delaney Knowle & Dorridge RC
Sukhjit Dhindsa Northbrook AC
Chris Duncan Solihull & Small Heath AC
Matthew Dutton Leamington Cycling and Athletics Club
Emma Eastwood Massey Ferguson RC
Mark Eastwood Massey Ferguson RC
Graham Edwards Knowle & Dorridge RC
Kelvin Elliott Massey Ferguson RC
Nicola Evans Knowle & Dorridge RC
Ollie Evans Spa Striders
Philip Evans Nuneaton Harriers
Alison Fergusson Centurion RC
Rachel Fielden Stratford Upon Avon AC
Alex Fleming Spa Striders
Katie Giles Centurion RC
Jason Gilligan Knowle & Dorridge RC
Simon Gilson Centurion RC
Martin Gittins Coventry Godiva Harriers
Nicola Glaze Northbrook Athletic Club
Steve Glaze Massey Ferguson RC
Ron Glenn Nuneaton Harriers
Rachel Goldsmith Spa Striders
Alan Green Knowle & Dorridge RC
Alice Green
Matthew Hadlum Coventry Godiva Harriers
Felicity Haines
Chris Hamer-Hodges Nuneaton Harriers
Niall Hamill Northbrook AC
Bruce Hampton Knowle & Dorridge RC
Michelle Hampton Knowle & Dorridge RC
Martin Hancock Knowle & Dorridge RC
Michael Hancock Leamington C & AC
Angela Hands Coventry Triathletes
Richard Hands Northbrook AC
Chris Haydon Massey Ferguson RC
Sue Haydon Massey Ferguson RC
Phillip Hayes Massey Ferguson RC
Mark Hayward Centurion RC
Jason Hemming Spa Striders
Dave Henshaw Spa Striders
Graham Hill Stratford Upon Avon AC
Kevin Hinson Massey Ferguson RC
Matt Hipwell Knowle & Dorridge RC
Sam Holmes Knowle & Dorridge RC
Hannah Hopkin Knowle & Dorridge RC
Philip Houghton Spa Striders
Stephen Hundal Leamington C & AC
Susan Hunt Stratford-upon-Avon AC
Phil Hyde Northbrook Athletic Club
Adeba Jama Knowle & Dorridge RC
Sonia James Centurion RC
Dean Jardine Knowle & Dorridge RC
Jack Johnson Centurion RC
Louise Johnson Centurion RC
Stephen Johnson Centurion RC
Carly Johnston
Graham Jones Knowle & Dorridge RC
Sonia Karamat Massey Ferguson RC
Lesley Keighley Massey Ferguson RC
Josh Kennard Sphinx AC
Liam Kincaid Coventry Godiva Harriers
Paul Kirby Spa Striders
Peter Kirkhope Northbrook AC
James Lake Stratford Upon Avon AC
Lisa Lambourn Stratford Upon Avon AC
Russell Lane Knowle & Dorridge RC
Kevin Latham Leamington C & AC
Brenda Lee Massey Ferguson RC
Kimberley Lee Stratford Upon Avon AC
Sue Leonard Massey Ferguson RC
Matt Leydon Spa Striders
Alison Lowe Massey Ferguson RC
Allan Mansfield Kenilworth Runners
Joseph Markham Sphinx AC
Samuel Marshall Coventry Godiva Harriers
Adrian Mason Stratford-upon-Avon AC
Andy Matthews Centurion RC
Richard Maybey Leamington Cycling and Athletics Club
Philip McCarron Massey Ferguson RC
Stuart McCullagh Centurion RC
Kevin McKeever Spa Striders
Sade McKenzie Centurion RC
Chris McKeown Spa Striders
Mark McLachlan Centurion RC
Ian McNamara Centurion RC
David Melhuish
Stace Milbourne Sphinx AC
Lydia Mills Centurion RC
Carla Minter Spa Striders
Anthony Mitrofaniuk Coventry Godiva Harriers
Marc Moon Spa Striders
Chris Moore Massey Ferguson RC
Zoe Moore Massey Ferguson RC
Maggie Morgan Massey Ferguson RC
Sue Mothershaw Stratford-upon-Avon AC
Lucy Newell Spa Striders
Vincent Newton Nuneaton Harriers
Samantha Nicholson Massey Ferguson RC
Katarzyna Niedzwiedzka City of Birmingham Striders
David Nunez Becerra City of Birmingham Striders
Sarah Oakes Centurion RC
Andrew Offor Nuneaton Harriers
Rebecca Parker Stratford Upon Avon AC
Andy Parkes Nuneaton Harriers
John Parkin Knowle & Dorridge RC
Mya Pattison
Stewart Pattison
Craig Pears Sphinx AC
Jack Pegler
Kath Pester Stratford Upon Avon AC
Paul Phasey Kenilworth Runners
Jemma Phelps Knowle & Dorridge RC
Michael Price Centurion RC
Balal Qureshi City of Birmingham Striders
Renny Raphael Massey Ferguson RC
Flavie Rasson Coventry Godiva Harriers
Stacey Raven Massey Ferguson RC
Chris Rawson Hinckley Running Club
Andy Rea Centurion RC
Christopher Revell Coventry Godiva Harriers
Evie Richardson Nuneaton Harriers
Emma Riddell Centurion RC
Johnathan Ritchie Nuneaton Harriers
Eric Robathan Centurion RC
Jeanette Robathan Centurion RC
Amanda Robinson Centurion RC
David Rose Knowle & Dorridge RC
Helen Rowe Massey Ferguson RC
Martyn Rubery Massey Ferguson RC
Haydn Russell Spa Striders
Lee Russell Centurion RC
Rav Sangha Northbrook AC
Kate Sergent Stratford Upon Avon AC
Sharon Seston Centurion RC
Sintija Setkovska Massey Ferguson RC
Kim Shardlow Nuneaton Harriers
Oliver Shuttleworth
Sara Slevin Massey Ferguson RC
Andy Smith Badgers
Haden Smith Nuneaton Harriers
Holly Smith Badgers
Martin Smith Massey Ferguson RC
Lisa Stevens Stratford-upon-Avon AC
Sandra Stokes Spa Striders
Marijke Tear-Verweij Stratford Upon Avon AC
Emma Teevan Spa Striders
Pete Teevan Spa Striders
Dionisis Theodosis City of Birmingham Striders
Peter Thomas Centurion RC
Kerry Thompson
Lewis Towers Knowle & Dorridge RC
Pippa Towers Knowle & Dorridge RC
John Treadwell Coventry Godiva Harriers
Sally-Anne Tully Sphinx AC
Rene Vergo Knowle & Dorridge RC
Chris Wallace Spa Striders
Ed Wallace Centurion RC
Lloyd Walton Stratford Upon Avon AC
Lucy Walton Spa Striders
Ann Wheeler Nuneaton Harriers
Paul Williams Knowle & Dorridge RC
Tracey Williams Northbrook Athletic Club
Daniel Williamson Spa Striders
Simone Wilson Nuneaton Harriers
Rob Wormald Knowle & Dorridge RC
Waising Yip Coventry Godiva Harriers
Kevin Zwolinski Stratford Upon Avon AC