Members of EAOA clubs will automatically be awarded points for the East Anglian League provided they enter the correct course for their age class. Rules of East Anglian League can be found here.
White 1.9km 10m climb
13 controls.
Very easy navigation along paths. Suitable for juniors.
Entry limit: 10
Entered: 5
Yellow 2.6km 10m climb
11 controls.
Simple navigation along paths and rides.
East Anglian League course for M10 and W10 competitors.
Entry limit: 15
Entered: 7
Orange 3.1km 20m climb
12 controls.
Moderate difficulty suitable for adult beginners.
East Anglian League course for M12 and W12 competitors.
Entry limit: 15
Entered: 7
Light Green 3.5km 25m climb
16 controls.
More complex off-path navigation suitable for beginners with some map-reading experience.
East Anglian League course for M14 and W14 competitors.
Entry limit: 27
Entered: 18
Short Green 3.5km 15m climb
15 controls.
Technically as difficult as it gets.
East Anglian League course for M80+ and W70+ competitors.
Entry limit: 20
Entered: 12
Green 4.5km 25m climb
18 controls.
Technically as difficult as it gets.
East Anglian League course for M65-75, W16 and W50-65.
Entry limit: 48
Entered: 41
Blue 6.6km 55m climb
26 controls.
Technically as difficult as it gets.
East Anglian League course for M16-18, M45-60 and W18-20, W30-45.
Entry limit: 44
Entered: 34
Brown 8.5km 60m climb
29 controls.
Technically as difficult as it gets.
East Anglian League course for M21-40, W21
Entry limit: 22
Entered: 12
The event will be signposted on the B1078 just south of Tunstall Village and from the junction of the B1078 and B1084
Access via Forest Road 22.
• Grid Ref TM399527
• Nearest post code IP12 2AW
• What3Words: ///economies.winter.windmills
Parking will be along the edges of the Forest Road 22. Please follow the marshal's instructions when you arrive. Registration, dibber hire and download will be situated near the northern end of FR22.
East Anglian League
Members of EAOA clubs will automatically be awarded points for the East Anglian League provided they enter the correct course for their age class. Rules of East Anglian League can be found here.
Description of terrain
Barnes Carr and The Birches is the SE portion of Tunstall Forest, in the East Suffolk Sandlings. This area has not been used for orienteering since 2006 and has been newly mapped for this event. It adjoins the Tunstall Forest (Viking) area and the Brown course will extend a little into that area. All other courses will be entirely on newly mapped terrain. The area has more interesting terrain than most Forest England plantations in EA with a variety of water and relief features and some nice areas of deciduous woodland.
The water features are currently mostly dry but won't be if we have significant rainfall before the event.
Courses and Maps
The courses will be printed on waterproof maps. Scale 1:10,000. Contour interval 5m.
Control Descriptions
Control descriptions will be printed on the maps and loose control descriptions will be in the start lanes.
White, Yellow and Orange courses use narrative control descriptions. Light Green and above courses use IOF symbols.
SPORTident timing will be used with SIAC enabled. However, competitors must punch the start and finish controls.
Entry on Day
There will be limited entry on day (and online entries after 25th November) subject to map availability.
Senior members £11.00
Senior non-members £13.00
Senior novice £4.00 (on White or Yellow course)
Junior £4.00
Chip hire £1.00
SIAC Chip hire £2.00
Registration, Help Point & Download tents will be sited close to the parking area, together with a toilet.
Hired SI cards will be available for collection at Registration (open from 10:00 to 12:00).
If you need advice or help with reading the map, how to use the timing system. etc, please ask at the Help Point.
Dogs are allowed, but should be kept on a short lead, both on and off the courses.
Start and Finish
Courses close at 14:00. Please return to download before this time even if you have not completed your course.
Start will be open from 10:30 until 12:30. No start times will be allocated.
If you have hired an SI dibber please collect this before going to the start.
The start will be signed from registration.
There may be queues at the Start at busy times.
The finish will be unmanned. Please follow the taped route back to download.
Organiser: Louise Walker
Planner: Martin Hore
Controller: Richard Bonnett (SOS)