Workington Moorclose Rocket League 4 orienteering

Thursday 27th March

Entries close 23:59 on 25th Mar

Entries close 23:59 on 25th Mar

Click here to sign up and enter. If you have already entered click here to view and, if necessary, amend your entry.

Entered: 28 of 180

Welcome to the Rocket League.
Please come and register before your run, and don't forget to download when you have finished.


Long U16 to be accompanied by an adult
Entered: 20

Short U16 to be accompanied by an adult
Entered: 7

Entered: 1

Entry Fees
Senior: £4.00/£5.00
Junior: £2.00

Juniors are under 21 on 31st December.

Event Information
Start List
Long U16 to be accompanied by an adult Age Category Club Start time
Carin Baker W40 WCOC
Alex Crawford W50 WCOC
Sophie Crawford W18 WCOC
Stuart Crawford M55 WCOC
Ann Cummings W65 WCOC
Richard Cummings M65 WCOC
Dan Heppell M20 WCOC
Carl Humphreys M45 WCOC
Isaac Hunter M18 WCOC
Simon Hunter M55 WCOC
Rachael Knight W21
Janette McHendry W55 WCOC
George Rennie M18 WCOC
Helen Rennie W50 WCOC
Daniel Roach M35 WCOC
Lynne Thomas W55 WCOC
Jacob Tonkin M21 WCOC
Deborah Walker W50 WCOC
Ruth Walker W18 WCOC
Scott White M50 WCOC
Short U16 to be accompanied by an adult Age Category Club Start time
Jonathan Eaton M65 WCOC
Deborah Goodwin W60 WCOC
Patrick Gorrill M40 WCOC
Remy Hutton M12 WCOC
Ray Johnstone M70 WCOC
Becca Muir W40 WCOC
Roger THomas M65 WCOC
Easy Age Category Club Start time
Beatrix Gorrill W14 WCOC