YHOA Night League - Allerthorpe Woods

Saturday 18th January

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YHOA Night League

First night league event of the new year
Contact: info@eborienteers.org.uk

Long course 18 controls

Medium course, 12 controls

Short course 10 controls

Short course for night time orienteering novices and juniors

Entry Fees
From 4th December:
        Senior: £10.00
        Senior Novice: £5.00
        Non BO: £2.00
        Senior Chip hire: £1.00
        Junior/Student: £5.00
        Junior Novice: £3.00
        Junior/Student Chip hire: £0.50
From 12th January:
        Senior: £12.00
        Senior Novice: £6.00
        Non BO: £2.00
        Senior Chip hire: £1.00
        Junior/Student: £6.00
        Junior Novice: £3.00
        Junior/Student Chip hire: £0.50

Juniors are under 21 on race day.
Entries are subject to map availability.

Any helpers should obtain the helper discount code for a 50% reduction.
Event Information