YHOA Night League Event - Beecroft Plantation

Saturday 23rd November

Entries are closed

Entries are closed
Sign in to view your entries.

Entered: 49

Car Sharing available

A mixed area of runnable forest with some rougher terrain underfoot and a good path and ride network for night racing.

The event is ON! Waterproof jackets and whistles WILL be compulsory. Approach roads are slushy, but all clear with temperatures rising, and the planner reports that the forest looks great – some snow on ground, but all the bracken has been flattened!

Beecroft forest is a mixed area of runnable forest with some rougher terrain underfoot and a good path and ride network. As well as the night league courses there will also be a longer path-based course aimed at encouraging more general participation in this exciting event. The event will be held shortly after dusk.

YHOA Night League Rules here

Pre-entries by Sunday 17 November.
Late entries, subject to map availability at a supplement, up to Thurs 21 Nov.
Entries on the day available subject to map availability.
Contact: entries@claro-orienteering.org.uk

New to orienteering?
Pairs and families are welcome. Just enter one person and note the other names in the Group Members Names box on the entry form. If you are accompanying a child - just enter the child. .

Long 4.4km 75m climb
For YHOA League Open and Veteran runners. Green Standard.
If other runners would like to run up and be competitive in this class in the league please inform the entries secretary before the race.

Entered: 21

Medium 3.1km 50m climb
For experienced orienteers.
Light Green Standard

Entered: 22

Short 1.8km 40m climb
Orange Standard course, suitable for older or adult beginner runners.
Entered: 6

Very Short 1.1km 10m climb
A Yellow Standard course ideal for families and those trying night orienteering for the first time.

Entry Fees
From 31st July:
        Senior: £9.00
        Senior Novice: £3.00
        Non BO Member Supplement: £2.00
        Senior Chip hire: £1.00
        Junior/Student: £3.00
        Junior/Student Chip hire: £0.50
From 18th November:
    Late Entries
        Senior: £11.00
        Senior Novice: £5.00
        Non BO Member supplement: £2.00
        Senior Chip hire: £1.00
        Junior/Student: £5.00
        Junior/Student Chip hire: £0.50

Juniors are under 25 on 31st December.

Family Fee - Maximum Fee £21 - use the discount code family-junior for your second and subsequent junior entries to qualify.

Full-time students qualify for the junior fees. Check the box on the entry form.

Please note if hiring a dibber a fee of £30 will be charged for lost dibbers.
Event Information

See Claro website for full up-to-date details

These will be posted on the Claro website http://www.claro-orienteering.org.uk/wp/. When entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports.

Organisers: Richard Kirk (CLARO)
Entries Secretary - Linda Kelly - Entry Enquiries to entriesATclaro-orienteering.org.uk
Planner: Will Drewe (CLARO)
Controller: Tim Evans (CLARO)