Entered GBR1: | 188 |
Entered GBR2: | 184 |
GBR Race 1
Seeded race for U14 and older racers.
Entered: 140
GBR Race 1 (U10 & U12)
U10 & U12 stubby slalom.
Entered: 48
GBR Race 2
Seeded race for U14 and older racers.
Entered: 135
GBR Race 2 (U10 & U12)
U10 & U12 stubby slalom.
Entered: 49
The Chill Factore is situated next door to Manchester’s Trafford Centre, just off Junction 10 of M60 motorway.
The post code is M41 7JA
Car Parking and Facilities
Please read the Bulletin for details of the Chill Factore Car Parking and Race Rules
Slope Rules
•Access to the slope is for officials, accredited coaches and racers only.
•During open practice and inspection bibs must be worn so that the number is visible from back and front as this is your accreditation to be on the slope. Racers without a bib will be asked to leave the slope.
•Inspection on foot by racers is not permissible. Racers will be given further information prior to the start of course inspection.
•Helmets and gloves must be worn by anyone on skis at all times whilst on the slope.
•Coaches who accompany their racers during course inspection must be on skis or blades.